Chapter 2

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Your husband nods but you know what would really happen. He takes you home but let's you get out of the car by yourself. He doesn't check you as days pass by.


Y/n POV...

"Check my bills, please. I think I forgot to pay them because I was sick the past three days," you tell your secretary as you pass by her cubicle outside your office. You've been gone for three days so for sure your work has piled up. You're still not well, but you can't afford to stay at home for another day.

She stands up and follows you in your office.
"Ma'am, I tried to pay it on the due date because I know you would have, but I was told your husband already paid for it."

You stop on your tracks. "He what?"

"He paid for it ma'am. From your household bills to phone bills.

You never had a talk about who should gonna pay once you start living on the same house. You would've understand if he shares on the household bills or you and him alternate in paying. But for him to pay even your personal ones, you feel a bit offended.

" Ma'am, this also arrived today," your secretary interjects before your burst from irritation. She's handing you a small envelop. "It's from the Lims. There's a party on Sunday and they want you and your husband to attend."

The Lims are very picky with their deals and  it's already a big privilege to be invited the one of their parties. You need to make sure that you give them a good  impression so a partnership in the future is more plausible.

But that you would mean  you need to try to get along with your husband, who already giving you a headache from his fake concern and unnecessary prying. The Lims are vocally against arranged marriages so you have to show them that yours and Taehyung isn't simply for business.

When will your headache end?

"Do you know Kim Taehyung schedule?" you ask your assistant as you continue to your desk.

She knows that your marriage is forced so she doesn't comment at the cold address anymore. "I can check for it, ma'am. Should I forward it to you?"

"Yes, thank you," you reply, cueing her leave.

You start arranging the folders on your table, looking for the most important and urgent ones. You phone lights up upon receiving your husband's schedule.

Why is he going to a club later?


You can't remember the last time you went to a club, but you're pretty sure you stopped because of the noise and lack of personal space. You're not sure where to find your husband or if he really came at the opening of Jeon Club. Good thing you were known enough to be let in by the strict security. Apparently, this is the hottest club in town and entrance is limited.

You blink around and try to focus. There are too many people and too dimmed lights. How are you supposed to find your husband? You could have just went home and waited for him, but if he really does follow his schedule, he'll leave for a two-day trip after this. You won't be able to talk. Well, there's phone, of course, but the matter with the Lims is too important.

"Hey, aren't you Taehyung wife?" someone asks from behind you.

You turn too see one of Taehyung friends. They were at the weeding and introduced to you, but there were too many of them for you to remember who is who.

"I'm Jungkook! I'm Taehyung best friend, remember?" he gleefully introduces.

You smile awkwardly. "Oh, uh, yeah. Jungkook right. Do you know where I can find Taehyung? This club is too chaotic.'

"Hey, this is my club. Take it easy."

You cringe to yourself. See, you really don't know anything about them. "Sorry. But I really need to talk to Taehyung. Is he here?"

Yeah, come on I'll take you to our booth," he motions for you to follow.

You past by a lot of drunk people before getting to the quieter part of the club. You recognize some celebrities and businessmen drinking and laughing aloud, but you fucos on finding your husband.

Soon enough, you arrive at the farthest booth. There sits your husband and his other frienw, along with a few girls, who all loom like models. Your mouth taste bitter. Is it right for a married man to be seen with these many girls?

"Taehyung, you wife is here!" Jungkook announces, effectively putting everyone's attention on you.

Taehyung turn his eye from his drink to you. He seem a bit dazed. "Huh?"

"Oooh, Madame's here," you hear one of them in the group whispers.

You have no time to wonder why they address you that way. You do your best to get close to your husband, eyeing the girls on your way. They immediately let you slide in the booth. You don't sit down though, only look down at your seemingw tipsy husband. "Taehyung, I need to talk to you."

Taehyung stares at you. He blinks at you for an agonizing moment. It's like he can't believe you're there.

"Taehyung, can we go somewhere quite? We need to discuss something. And don't you have a trip tomorrow? Why are you drinking tonight?"

You hear some whistles from his friends. You officially hate them.

"Are you really here?" Taehyung speak for the first time you've arrived. He puts his hand up to reach you face. With furrowed brows, you let him touch your cheeks. His eyes are clouded. "It can't be. You hate me.'

Jungkook, " you call his friend who took you there.


You don't really care. "Do you have a room where we can talk in private?"

He looks scared. "Why? What are we going to talk about?"

You exhale sharply. "I meant me and Taehyung, not me and you."

Jungkook shoots his friends a knowing look, making you even more irritated. Ugh, stupid boys and their games.

"I do, madamme. Shall I escort you and your husband there?"

"Yes, thank you." You move away from Taehyung and let his friend pull him up. You know they think you'll get steamy on the private room, but the only thing feeling hot is your head.


"I thought you have a trip tomorrow," you repeat when Jungkook leaves you on the private room above the club. "Why are you drinking?"

"I didn't think bit will matter to you."

You look down. It really doesn't matter to you whatever he does, but there's something you should discuss now. How can you if he can barely fucos his eyes on you?

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