Chapter 9

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You feel Taehyung hand on the small of your back. You turn to him, asking what he needs.

"Are you okay? You're in a daze," he asks softly while leading you the house, Jennie in front of you two.

You shake the thoughts out of your head. A loving wife and mother. You're not sure if you can achieve that now. Your relationship with Taehyung has tremendously improved. It's almost a year since you got married, and from stranger bound by contract, you two became intimate.

You could still remember the morning you first kissed him. You're not really sure what gotten into you. But that kiss unlocked a lot of doors; it made you even more comfortable with each other. Whenever Taehyung randomly touches you or does something remotely romantic, you don't think twice what it's about. It's just Taehyung doing his thing: making you happy.

And whenever you kiss, it feels as natural as breathing. Sharing that moment with him causes your heart to calm down and tour thoughts to arrange themselves. Though you can count with your finger how many times you've only kissed him, it's something you don't think you would mind any given moment.

Taehyung's lips bring you home.

Maybe it's the closest thing to your dream of a loving family that you can achieve.


"It's good to see you, Taehyung. I was talking to your parents just a couple of days ago. Our businesses seem to be both thriving after successful union, don't you think?"

Business. You let out a deep sigh. It's all your father thinks about. He thinks something is successful if he earns a considerable amount of money from it. He thinks of his kids as investments. If your mother didn't have complications after giving birth to you, you're pretty sure your father will keep on trying to invest.

"Hey sis," Jisoo your older sister greets you with a hug.

"Woah, careful there," you touch her swelling tummy. "Wouldn't want to squish the little one."

She giggle. Your sister had always been a jolly one. You can't really resent her from choosing to work on her husband's company rather than your family's. You both knew how cold and strict your father would be if she still worked under him. You never knew it was a good thing to be indebted, because the time your sister had to marry, your company was the one in need. Your father needed to come into terms with the other party's offer. And they offered to let your sister choose her path.

When it was your chance, the Kim's business is the one who asked for the union. You didn't try to know why they are offering their son; you're actually pretty sure that their company is in a good standing and arranged marriage isn't required yet. All you cared about then is your independence. You didn't want to be under someone else's unfamiliar company or family.

Maybe that's a mistake. Comparing the Kim's from your father, it really might be a big lapse of judgment.

"Hello," you greet your sister's husband Eunwoo politely.

You never really tried to get to know him. You didn't know their marriage will be this fruitful. They have four kids already, and more to come, you believe. Maybe at the very least, they care for each other. Maybe he's nice.

"It's good to see you again," he offers you a handshake.

You smile stiffly and accept the gesture. At least you two are talking. You remember hating him because you think he would entrap your loving sister. Now that you're also with a man who supports you, you understand that maybe it's not his choice to be bound too. You should be glad that he's willing to work it out and even treat your sister fairly. You have a fault in judging scenarios. You should try to learn about people first.

"There goes my daughter who never learned to pick up her phone," someone says as they went near you.

It's your mother. She had been trying to reach you, but you don't really want to waste a couple of minutes listening to her unnecessary ramblings. Your mother likes parties and making friends. She even goes out of the country just to buy some clothes. You never understood how someone can live that luxuriously. You have money you worked hard on, but you wouldn't  go to England just to have some tea.

"Hello, Mother," you greet politely.

Your mother reaches out to kiss your cheeks, and you just let her. It's the most affectionatel thing she has to offer. "You're glowing, darling. The last time we talk, you're threatening us that you will run away."

You take a deep breath. She really likes rubbing to people that she's right.

"Mom, why don't we go to the dining area? The children must be hungry already," you sister saves you from upcoming embarrassment.

You immediately search for Taehyung. With everyone heading to the dining room, you get the chance to slow down and have a few seconds with him.

Taehyung flinches slightly at your sudden hold of his hand. You don't even think twice of doing that now. It brings you comfort. But to him, it means you're anxious about something. He's usually the one to initiate. "What's wrong?"

You shake your head. "Just... nervous. Promise me we'll survive this afternoon?"

Taehyung chuckles. He pulls you closer to him and wraps an arm around you. You almost melt. "I'm here. You have nothing to be afraid of."


The table, of course, is full of food and business topics. Your father doesn't soars a beat to tell Taehyung about his achievements since the wedding. He must be  so proud that forcing his daughter to marry someone amounted to a lot of money. Your mother, on the other hand, keeps on segueing about places Taehyung's parents should also visit. You wish you're just eating with the kids, to be honest. Even though they also have endless questions, at least it's about Taehyung and not self-boasting.

"Which reminds me," you hear your father say. If it wasn't for Taehyung hand tapping your arm slightly, you wouldn't focus back. "There's a grand conference in Hong Kong next week. You should be there as representative of our company. You'll be going there anyway, right, Taehyung? To represent yours? You'll be such a power couple."

You glance at Taehyung. He's trying to thing of a polite way to decline. Next week... you already have plans for next week.

"I'm sorry, Father, but we won't be able to go," you voice out. Your husband must be pressured to reject him respectfully. At least you know what to expect from the one who raise you.

Your father arches a brow. "What did you say?"

You look for the right words to say, but it's for a simple reason you can't stress any further. "It's my birthday that day. I've already planned to spend that day with Taehyung.

Your father's  face blanks. He stare at you for a good minute before chuckling. He seems amused about something. He isn't taking you serious. " Birthday come every year. This is a one time deal."

"Yes but this is the first birthday I will be spending with my husband. And—"

You notice the way he's smirking. It makes you feel little. You might be the CEO of the company, but your father still has power over you as the President.

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