Chapter 3

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"Okay, I'll just go straight to the point," you decide. You sit beside him so you don't have to raise your voice. "I received and invitation from the Lims and I've been trying to get a deal with them for years now.

This means a lot to me. I need you to coorperatebwith me on that party, and we don't have the time to even get to know each other since you have a two-day trip."

Taehyung POV...

"I don't. I put it on my schedule like that but I actually plan to take you the hospital tomorrow and make sure you rest the next day."

Your eyes widen. "What?"

"You've been sick for a while but I don't know if I'm allowed to interfere. That's why I stayed silent as you rest. I had a talk with my parents earlier though.

My mother said she's sorting for making you deal with so many people last time. And they advised me to take you to the hospital.

I'm your husband anyway. It's not matter of interference. It's my duty to make sure you're okay."

Y/n POV...

You're lost for word. Taehyung seems cold to you since the first time you met him, and you didn't try to get to know who he really is after. His drunken confession proves that he at least respects you and is willing to do his role as your husband. It's you who doesn't do her part, escaping with her work as excuse.

"The invitation from the Lims was arranged by my friend, JB, the heir. I heard that you've been wanting a partnership with them so I figured I can at least help you by asking JB a favour. He told me to have some drink with the gang as payment, that's why I'm here. But I'm not completely drunk. Tell me what more I can do for you."

Your heart swells. Why were you so stubborn? You got married to be beautiful, kindhearted man, but you were too pissed at the arranged even though yourself don't have any plan for your future. Sure, you can't love him instantly, but half you let yourself get to know him, it's not very far off.

"Thank you," you say quietly. "I didn't know you'll do that for me. Thank you very much."

With languid eyes, Taehyung smile at you. "You don't have to be so formal Y/n. Why don't we go home for now? Tomorrow, I'll take you to the hospital. If they say you're well enough, we'll immediately plan what to do at the party. If not, I'm sorry but I'll make you rest. Don't worry though, I'll make sure get another chance talk to them. I just want you to be okay first."

You gratitude makes you throw yourself towards him. You feell him stiff from sudden hug, but when he recovers, he pats your back.


Y/n POV...

"Ma'am, based on your symptoms, I'm afraid you may have Fibromyalgia," the physician tells you.

You divided to go to the doctor yourself. While last night proved that Taehyung has concerns over you, you think it's best to take things slow.

You can manage this thing about your health without bothering him. You'll just ask for his help if you really can't do it alone.

"What's that?" you ask.

"It affects the muscle and tissue, making you more sensitive to pain. Some cause are lack of sleep, stress; it varies from one person to another."

You think about how busy you've been since your weeding. Since two companies united, investors and projects rain on you. "Huh... so I guess I need a break from work."

The doctor nod. "It will be best to have a change of lifestyle. If work is stressing you out, try to lessen it. Maybe you can also exercise or find something fun do to. This is a common condition and can be along terms.

You him. There's nothing to worry about then. Give that you've also already kind of deal with your husband issue, it will be easy to relax some more.

The doctor, you high school classmate, Park Jimin, shifts on his seat and leans closer to you. "As a friend though, I also have something specific to suggest."

You frown. You've been around Jimin long enough to know how cheeky he can be. "What is it?"

"Tell me... have you had sex with Taehyung ever since the weeding?"

You feel blood rush to your face. Jimin is your only common friend with Taehyung. He's the one who assured you that being arranged marriage with Kim Taehyung is more of a blessing that a curse."Doctor,I'm afraid that's a personal question."

"Dear patient, there are case when you also get Fibromyalgia because your body can't release what it has to release. You been working ever sine you're old enough and you've never felt pain like this. The only thing that change within last months is you coinhabiting with your husband."

You scoff. "Are you saying that I'm lusting over my husband and my body is torturing me because I don't act on it?"

Jimin shrugs. "I guess you know your body better."

You roll you eyes. He's obviously teasing you. "I'll sign up on a gym or yuga class, doctor. I don't need to force my husband to help me release."

"What if you don't have to force him though?"

You grab you bag and stand up. Jimin knows just how to get to your nerves. "Good day, Dr. Park."


"You went to the doctor, " Taehyung say as you enter the living room, where he's reading something. "I thought we agreed I'll take you?"

"You were asleep, " you reason and try on t to remember the doctor's words. You put your bag down and sit on the couch, some distance away from him.

He puts down the documents he's reading and faces you. "How was it then? Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm completely okay. Just some rest and exercise," you answer, your voice gingt a pitch up from hiding the truth. But it's not a lie in whole. You can choose to ask him do it with you, but you'd rather just die.

"Shall we go to getting to know each other then? For the party tomorrow night?" he suggests.

You lean in the couch, trying to find comfort. This seems like a weird way to get to know someone, but your lack of social life can't really complain. "I guess. I'm pretty sure you know my basic information and had me investigated before you marry me. What do you want to know?"

Taehyung shrugs with smile. "What's your favorite colour?"

You find yourself laughing. This is like those teenaged slambiiks your fake friends had you sign. You spend the rest of the dayvasking each other silly question. You never thought you can have this most much fun on your arranged marriage life.

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