Chapter 6

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You bite your lip. This is the first time you're dealing with your drunk husband and honestly, the story scared you. Is he violent she he's drunk? What if he wakes up later?

"I'll carry him in and go. Good thing he's the only one I needed to drive home. The rest are probably dead drunk in one of Jungkoom private rooms."

You open the car door to let Jimin take your husband. He puts Taehyung's are over his shoulders and drags him in your house.

"He should have slept there too then," you sat as you lead the way to Taehyung room. It's a good thing your house has only one floor. Taehyung had made you choose which house to occupy before you got married. You  choose this one without much thinking.

"Unlike everyone Y/n else, Taehyung has a home," Jimin replies before putting Taehyung on the bed. Your husband makes a sound of comfort and he snuggles to the thick sheets.

"You guys have house of your own. What are you taking about?" you ask while properly placing the blankets so Taehyung won't get cold.

Jimin looks at you with small smile. "We have house, alright. But no one is waiting for us to come home Y/n."

You open your mouth to say something, but Jimin yawn vmcut you off. Your friend looks tired, and you figure it's because he's the only one who looked over his six men children friends.

"I'm sorry I can't offer you to sleep here for the night. The guest room is a mess because no one visit for us to arranged it."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to stay anyway. I once slept at Jin's house because we're all too drunk to go home. My ears were traumatised by the sound I heard that night."

You choke on air. It's not only that Jimin is telling you about Jin escapede, he's also implying that you'll be doing something with Taehyung.

"Doctor, I'm afraid I didn't follow your recommendation and my headache are still very well intact," you subtly point out.

Jimin smirks. "I'm telling you, patient Y/n, you just need to ask him. It's completely normal for partners to do it and given that he's married to you, it's his duty to take care of your well-being."

"Go home, Dr. Park," you gesture toward the door.

Jimin playfully salutes before walking out.

You look back at Taehyung peaceful face. You brush the hair away his closed eyes. Yes, you do feel closer and you know a lot about each other now. But to surrender yourself at a vulnerable moment like that is something mere chats and a marriage contract can't prepare you. You need to connect with him first and make it not just a matter of need.

Taehyung suddenly catches the hand you're using to caress his face. You freeze, wondering if you woke him up. But his eyes don't open and he just holds it there by his cheek for a moment. He hums satisfaction of your warmth and goes back to breathing evenly.


Your mobile phone seems to be ringing a lot lately. You used clients, but now, you receive personal calls more often. You press the speaker so you can continue to type while talking to him.

"Well, I bet your having a good morning, husband," you tease right away.

Taehyung groans from the other line. You lauge at his obviously hangover. "It's already afternoon."

Taehyung didn't stir from his sleep last. You're relieved that you didn't have to take care of him because you honestly have no idea how to. You goggled it in case and something about taking his clothes got involved. No, you wouldn't have been able to do that. Not with Jimin's words haunting you.

"Yes, it is. Rise and shine. You have a lot of apologising to do. I think Jimin will ask you to pay for his gasoline, and there's Jin who called me earlier asking for therapy fees he'll be spending because of you."

"I don't want to apologise," he says seriously, making your smile freeze.

You stop typing on your laptop. You pick up your phone from the table and switch it off from speaker. You feel the need to talk to him more intimately. "I'm just kidding, Take. What did Jin do last night? Why did you get upset?"

He doesn't answer, waking worry from within you. You've heard about their fights when they were teenagers and you're sure they've passed that. What could they be fighting over right now?

"I'll be resting some more. Why don't we have dinner later at a restaurant? I'll pick you up," he changes topic.

Maybe he's not ready to tell you what happened. That's fine. Your not ready to tell him something too anyway. "I'll  just meet you there."


You arrive at the restaurant where Taehyung said he'll be waiting. You've been there a few times with your parents or to celebrate a successful deal with your clients and business partners. It's your first time, though, to go there with your husband. You're pretty sure you'll be seeing a few colleagues who will comment about you two being perfect matches. You're used to their fake pleasantries.

"Reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Kim," you tell the host, who immediately lead you to your table.

Your husband is there already. Taehyung has a small smile as he watches you approach. He stands up to welcome you with a side hug.

"Your not planning to drink wine, are you? I don't thing your hangovers done yet," you tease before taking your seat.

"God, no. Let's stay away from headache for the next days."

You smile. Hopefully your headache does stay away before you make the slightest consideration to do Jimin's suggestion.

"So," you pick up the menu to distract yourself from your own thoughts, "what's the occasion? Why are we eating outside when you told me you hate fancy restaurant and would rather eat at McDonald's?"

"Can't I just treat my wife to a decent meal every once in a while? She deserves to be pampered after making her husband proud."

"Really now?" you eye him teasingly. "If we were a normal couple. I would thing you're cheating on me, and this is your way to easing your guilt."

Taehyung shots and eyebrow up. "You think I can cheat?"

You realise he's not in the mood to kid around. "It was a joke Tae. What's wrong? You're getting really grumpy."

Taehyung breathes out. You can see that he's trying to calm himself. You can't help but wonder just what happened last night. What did Jin do to make Taehyung irritable at the slightest joke?

"I don't want you thinking that I don't care about you," he says with straight face. He's looking at you intently, so you put the menu down to mirror his sincerity. "I know we're taking this slow, and I'm glad that we're making huge progress at a short amount of time. But if you feel uncomfortable in the slightest, maybe because I've been spending too much time with my friends or we don't go out much, you can tell me. Getting to know everything about each other is a slow process, but taking care of you will always be my priority."

You reach for his clench fist across the table. "Taehyung, I don't know what brought this up, but you don't have to worry so much. I'm happy with how we are right now. It's me who works too hard and forgets to check on you. I should have accompanied you to the party but instead___"

"No, it's just right that you didn't come to the party," he cuts you off before you can share the blame. He opens his hand to yours. He stares at it as he says, "I should have stayed home and helped you with your headache. I'm your husband. It's my duty to make sure you're okay."

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