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TW : Homophobic slurs used, mention of blood

Cassiopeia was trying to stay out of trouble. The key word in that being trying. She couldn't help it. She had hexed at least five people for saying that her and Potter would be a good couple. Disgusting. So, she had to be the commenter for 5 more matches of the horrendous game that is known as Quidditch. So the entire school had to witness 5 extremely bad commented matches, a tired McGonagall, and a laughing pair of adults that is James Potter and Sirius Black.

Now, Cassiopeia was in the library, hoping to stay safe from any sort of trouble. She had resorted to reading A Guide to Potions : 7th Year, even though she already knew all the potions in it.


Cassiopeia looked up and she was shocked when she saw Hermione Granger in front of her. Reaching for a quill and opening the Charms essay they had to do. Cassiopeia, not knowing what to do in the situation, said the first thing that came to mind,

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

The Granger girl just laughed and raised her head, responding with,

"I'm here to do the Charms essay. I won't bother you. You just looked lonely and I thought you needed a friend."

Cassiopeia looked at the girl with wide eyes. A friend? Her only real friend had been Draco, and that was mainly becuase they were cousins. But Hermione Granger was here wanting to be her friend. Not through obligation or the want for power. Just because she wanted to hang out.

Smiling softly, Cassiopeia spoke, "I would love to be your friend Hermione Granger."

And with that, a beautiful friendship was born. One that both girls could lean on, even in their darkest moments.


Cassiopeia had realized that it had been far too long since she had talked to her favorite Ravenclaw. So, one day she waited outside one of Luca's classes and stood there until the boy came out.

"CASSIE!" Luca screamed joyfully, running towards the girl at full speed.

"LUCA!" Cassiopeia responded, matching the boy's energy. She opened put her arms and Luca rand straight into them, embracing her in a hug.

"I thought it had been far to long since I talked to you," Cassiopeia said, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Me too. I-I thought you had forgot about me," said the 11-year old, looking down at his Oxford shoes.

"I could never forget you Luca," the older girl said, bopping his nose. "Now," she continued, "how about we go at watch a movie in my room?"


It had been 2 hours since the duo made their way into the Slytherin's room. Luca, although he was a Pureblood, had introduced Cassiopeia to something called a mobie. Or maybe it was movie? The girl couldn't remember. When she questioned how the boy knew what they were, he looked down at his hands and explained that he had an older brother that had been disowned for loving a muggle girl. His parents, like Cassiopeia's mother, were big Pureblood maniacs, but he still visited his brother. This meant that he had gone to muggle London before, and together the two decided that they would go over Yule break, as neither of them would be going home.

Cassiopeia had gone to get more snacks, but when she came back, Luca was nowhere in the room. Walking around, she creaked open the door of the bathroom and saw the boy playing with her makeup. He had been putting on a bright green eyeshadow when he saw the girl walk in. He immediately dropped the product and burst into tears. Rushing up to him, Cassiopeia gathered him in her arms.

"Hey, hey," she said soothingly, pushing the boy's hair up, "what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry!" he said, sobs racking the small boy's body.

"For what Lu?" the girl said, holding him closer.

"For using your makeup. It just looked so pretty. I tried to use my mommy's once, but then she saw me and hit me. She said that boys shouldn't wear makeup," the boy said, still sobbing.

Cassiopeia was enraged. How dare she hit him? How dare she stop him from being himself? Calming herself down so she didn't sound harsh, she turned the boy to face her, "Makeup is for everyone! Boys, girls, and people who aren't either! You can use some if you want. Here, do you want me to put some on for you?"

Sniffling, the boy nodded. Cassiopeia smiled and started applying makeup. She was determined to make the boy she thought of as a brother happy. While she was putting on his makeup, she let the boy talk about his life. How his parents were mad at him when he didn't get into Slytherin and how he cried after, knowing they didn't love him anymore. The boy also told the older girl how he has a crush on a boy in his Charms class. In response to this, Cassiopeia smiled teasingly and asked, "Is he handsome?"

After she was done, she turned the boy around and let him admire himself. He was beaming.

"Cassie," Luca asked, "can we go to the kitchens?"

"Of course!" she responded, taking his hand.

Together they walked through the halls, laughing a joking. When they got to the kitchens, they ate a delicious food that Luca called pizza. After they were done, Luca had fallen asleep. Cassiopeia sighed and picked up the boy, taking him through the halls of the school. Tucking him into her own bed, she kissed his head and turned off the light, however, she did hear Luca mutter the words,

"Thank you Mum."

And a huge smile grew on her face.


As the girl was walking through the halls the next day, she heard a group of boys muttering something and snickering. Rolling her eyes, she started to walk past them. But, she heard something that caught her attention.

"And that first year boy, what's his name? Oh yeah, Halifax. Luca Halifax. Cormac said he saw him walking around the school with makeup last night. What a fag!"

Cassiopeia suddenly stopped, turning in the direction of the boys.

"What did you say?" she asked, anger evident in her voice. The boys turned around and faced her. Four stepped back in fear, one did not.

"I said the Halifax boy is a fag. Got a problem?"

"Yes," Cassiopeia replied, "yes I do."

"Psh," the boy continued, "what are you gonna do?"

"This," Cassiopeia said calmly.


A punch was thrown to the boy's face. But no, it didn't stop there. Cassiopeia punched the boy again and again. She didn't stop when he hit the floor, nor when she had gathered an audience, nor when he was begging for her to stop, nor when he was so bloody, he was unrecognizable. In the end, it had taken Fred, George, and Draco to peel the small girl off the boy. She was physically shaking in anger. Then, she heard someone shout,

"Miss Avery!"


✿✦❤︎ She Speaks! ❤︎✦✿

This was possibly one of my favorite chapters to write. And I would like to point out that I am not homophobic in any way nor do I support any of JK R*wling's beliefs. All people that identify as LGTBQ+ are welcome on my page!! Any hate against people who are in these groups will be deleted and the individual will be blocked!!

anyways, ily guys!!

word count: 1263

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