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I cant belive that CC got a girl im so happy for him. I mean i could have done with out the major makeout section it waa a bit much but atleast he chose a great girl she was very sweet. I could tell we were gonna be great friends though.

I just got out of the hospital a bit ago and im still a bit sore. After meeting Hannah i walked over to the bed and layed down with Ashley again.....i let out a sigh.

"What is it babe?" Ash askes.

"Ash....i think i need to go back home....i cant keep risking your safety i mean who knows who will come after step dad got out of jail once hes going to do it again...and i cant risk know i love you but i think its time i let you get on with your life and move on..." i said with tears stinging in my eyes. Ash moved to sit up and look at me.

" know as well as i do that i can protect my self and i would never let you go even if thats what you want....i promised my self id never let you go again....please dont do this" he said looking at me like i shot him and i might as well have.

"Ashley....please you know how much i care for you and i wouldnt do this unless i felt the need to...please can we just lay in the company one last night before i go?" I askes as i grabbed his hand crying.

"Ofcourse....but please think about this tonight......i wish you would change your mind but still....i will hold you for now" he said laying back down wrapping his arms around me as i cried till i finally fell asleep. I didnt want to but i needed ti keep them safe.

*time laps next morning*

I awoke to ashley moving out of bed. I quickly grab his waist and pull him back i laugh....but then i remember last night....oh god im fucked.

"Are you still leaving?"he asked i nodded my head yes and he sighed and got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I got up grabbed my suitcase and started packing. He was taking a shower when i finished. He was singing mortitions daughter and i almost broke down. But i held it together and left with tears rolling down my face. I went to the guy's rooms first waa Andy and Portia. I lightly knocked on the door and a shirtless andy came to the door

"Skylar whats going on why are you crying" Andy asked trying to get me into the roon...but i knew if i went in i woukd stay i explained everythinf to him and Portia and they nodded and understood and hugged me goodbye. Andy wispered in my ear as we hugged....dont forget you always will have a family here. I broke down and left next was jake and jinxx. Jake acted like it was his fault and cried which made it harder when i left finally Cc and hannah i knocked explained and CC being CC tries to get me to stay but Hannah stops him shes understands and says goodluck gives me her number and i leave i left a note for Ashley and callex a cab to airport and back to Colorado...i cried the whole way home i was going to miss them.

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