The Infamous Bad Boy

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Jessie's POV

I walked into the school trying to be invisible. I was a nobody. Nobody noticed me and I liked it that way. Who would want someone like me anyway. With my jet black hair, brown eyes and fat ass, I was clearly a zero on anybodies scale. I tried to go unnoticed as people walked passed me. Bumping into me, because to them I was invisible. I had no friends because I was labeled as the school freak. I made it to my locker and quickly got my book, trying to avoid a run in. Running into Biannca would result in a beat down. She hated me for some reason. Made my already messed up life into a living hell.

I sighed as I made it to my first class. Maybe I would make it through the day without drama. I walked into the empty classroom and made my way straight to the back. As students started to come into the room I sunk back in my chair.

The bell rung.

Soon everyone was in there seats and the teacher walked in. Mr. Crawford sat his brief case down and turned to the class. He cleared his throat about to speak.

"Okay class let begin, today you will-" He was interupted as the door opened. In walked the infamous bad boy, Aaron Rush. He was captivating. Beautiful in every way, but he was bad. I'd heard rumors about him. Like that he got into alot of fight, did drugs, and was a man whore. Mr. Crawford looked at him with disgust.

"Mr. Rush, why are you late this time?" Aaron ignored him and looked for a seated. My stomach turned the only seats left were the one next to me and one all the way in the front. I new which one he would choose. He started walking towards me. My heart began to race and I became very uncomfortable. I heard the chair next to me scrape the floor as he took his seat.

I let my hair drape over my face. He sat comfortably. His beautiful face was even more stunning up close. I ripped my eyes away from his face before he caught me starring. I turned my attention back to Mr. Crawford.

"Okay class, today you will be working in partners with the person next to you" My heart stopped at his sentence. No!

"This is a science project, that will count for 60% of your final grade" I looked to Aaron to see him relaxing in his seat. Probably not listening to anything Mr. Crawford was saying. "You may began brain storming"

I turned to Aaron as Mr. Crawford said this. He was still lolly gagging in his head. I reached my hand out and reluctantly tapped his shoulder twice. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I cleared My throat.

"Er- er hi" I said nervously. He smirked at me.

"Hey" He said casually then continued on to his business. I had no idea what to say. I didn't have friends, so I rarely talked.

I nervously tapped his shoulder again. He turned to look at me." Er-er we have to do a-a-a pr-roject together". I blushed as I stumbled over my words.

He smirked at my nervousness and turned fully towards me. I felt uncomfortable and moved back. Which just caused him to move up some more. I smiled awkwardly looking around the room, hoping someone would see me in distress. I looked back to Aaron,

''So, whats your name'' He said as he reached out an curled a piece of my hair with his finger. I shivered at his touch.

"I- er m-my name is J-jesse" I said looking down at my feet.

"Why so shy, " He asked. "I won't bite" He smirked at me and put his hand on my thigh. My face flushed a unattractive red. The next moment the bell rung. I snatched my things up and rushed out the door.

I took several deep breaths as I made my way to my next class.


Soon it was lunch time. I

Walked into the cafe' and took my usual seat at a table alone. I told you I didn't have friends and I didn't eat much. I didn't have a eating disorder I just didn't eat much.

I noticed Aaron walk in with his two best friends. Finn was bad too. I'd heard he was addicted to marijuana & was bi-sexual. He had dirty blonde hair with a eyebrow and lip piercing. He was gorgeous.

Aaron's other friend, Everette had brown hair and was very quiet. He didn't talk much at all. I'd his father was a drunk and never took care of Everette.

I looked at Aaron. He looked sexy with his hair in his eyes. I wondered why he'd never had a girlfriend. I shook my head getting rid of those thoughts. I opened my book and started reading. After a few minutes I gave up. For some reason my mind kept thinking of Aaron.

I looked over at his table to see him making out with a girl on his lap. I grimaced. It was Biannca. I felt a unpleasant feeling in my stomach as I watched them. He lips still locked with hers he opened his eyes and they locked with mine. His eyes were captivating. I felt like he was looking right through me. My breath caught in my throat and I quickly looked down. I grabbed my stuff quickly and excited the cafe' avoiding his table.


At the end of the school day I waited until the halls were clear and made my way out of the school. On my way I heard moaning sounds coming from the girls bathroom. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked quietly in the bathroom. I followed the noises to the back of the bathroom stalls. What I saw had my eyes popping out of my head.

There in front of me was Biannca on her knees, with her head bobbing up and down. Aaron's head was back with his eyes closed and his hand tightly holding onto Biannca's head as he let out little sexy moans. I gasped as Aaron opened his eyes. I couldn't move, I was frozen.

We stayed like that for awhile until He smiled a devilish smile, closed his eyes and continued moaning. I backed away slowly and ran out of the bathroom. When I got outside the school I stopped to catch my breath. I can't believe what I just saw.

I hurried and walked home. When I got there I prayed my dad wasn't there. Every since mom had died he wasn't the same. From the time I was born, until now he abused me. It wasn't that bad. I knew I deserved it. It was my fault she was dead anyway. She died giving birth to me. The doctors said she just wasn't strong enough.

As I walked into the house it was quiet. He wasn't home. I rushed to my room and silently closed my door. I flopped down on my bed with a sigh.

Dad would home soon so I got up and did my chores. I was the dishes, sweep the floor,mopped the floor, vacuumed the living room, bleached the bathroom, and cleaned my fathers bedroom.

When I was finished I went back up to my room and waited for father to get home.

I jolted awake as I heard the front door slam. Dad was home. I rushed down the stairs to met him. As I came down I saw him waiting for me at the last step. I could tell by the look on his face that he was angry. He smelled of alcohol and his eyes were bloodshot. My dad was a good looking man, he had brown hair,light brown eyes and was very strong.

"Y-yes sir?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Why the fuck have you not down your chores!" I cringed at how loud he voice was.

"I-i-i did I S-swear". I tried to convince him, even though I new it wouldn't work.

"Don't lie to me you bitch!" I tried to say something but his fist connected with my face. I fell to the floor. I cried out in pain. He kicked me once, twice then three times. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't.

After many more kicks he stopped.

"Now go to your room bitch" I gathered all my strength and pushed up from the floor. I could feel blood dripping from my face as I crawled up the stairs. When I got to my room I walked into the bathroom.

There was a blueish, purplish bruise starting to form around my left eye and a cut. I lifted my shirt to inspect my ribs. They were bruised. I pressed down on the bruise. I could tell at least one of my ribs were broken or fractured.

I stared at the girl in the mirror. She wasn't me. She'd had the will to live beaten out of her. I died a little more everyday.


Soo... What did you think?

I wanted to write something new.

- mslabria

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