Chapter 17

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Jessie's POV

Aaron flew down the highway. We were headed in the direction of the other side of town. Rain poured from the sky increasing the mysterious mood. I glanced over at Aaron. His form was tense. I, myself was feeling a little tense. There was a chance I might see Alejandro again. My skinned crawled almost feeling his eyes on me. I rubbed my neck self-consciously. I gripped the seat as Aaron's speed increased. A nervous feeling started in my stomach. Since we had left the house in such a hurry I hadn't had the time to put on proper clothes. My current attire included Aaron's kitty shirt and shorts that showed way to much. I self-consciously rubbed my thighs making big goose bumps appear. Aaron relaxed back into the seat releasing a deep breath. He raked a hand through his hair while he looked over at me. His eyes scanned my chest. A frown coming upon his face.

"Put on your seat beat."

I reached behind me and pulled the seat belt around my waist.

"Where are we going?"

He licked his lips while glancing at me. "To see Alejandro."

I remained quite thinking over his statement. Why would it be so important to see Alejandro. It was obvious to me now. I couldn't believe I didn't connect the dots sooner. Aaron was a drug dealer. It all added up the weed and the days he went missing. How he could keep a apartment with no job. He had probably made up that excuse. I couldn't be mad at him though.We arrived at a brick building. It looked deserted. I could see a few cars packed around it. Aaron reached for his seat belt. He opened the door and got out. He turned around to face me.

"Stay in the car." I felt panic rising in my chest.

"Don't leave me here"

He sigh." Look this is important. Believe me you're way more safer out here than in there. Alright I'll be right back. Lock the doors." He slammed the door and disappeared into the buildings door. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. The streets were dark with only a few people wondering. I sent a silent prayer up to heaven for Aaron to hurry up.

I spotted a figure walking towards the car. He was tall and he wore a black hoodie. A baseball cap on his head. My heart beat double time. He grew closer and closer. His head lifted and a gasp escaped my lips. It was Everett. Same brown hair and same quiet demeanor. He glanced at the car before a look of confusion graced him face. We made eye contact for a moment. He broke eye contact as he shook his head. He came toward the car. I could tell by the way he looked at me he was angry. His eyes burned my skin as I rolled down the window.

"What are you doing here"? His voice just as fierce as his eyes. I'd never heard him speak before. His voice was deep and rough. It fit his character very well.

"I-I don't know"

He rolled his eyes. "You stay in the car. You don't move." Then he was gone. Walking into the brick building. I made sure the doors were still locked and took a deep breath. Everything was too bizarre. I think I knew the whole time I just didn't wanna admit to myself. Aaron came out the moment looking calm. I was amazed that he could be so calm through all of this. Then again I bet he was use to it.

He hopped in the car and put on his seat belt. He turned to me examining me from head to toe.

"You alright"

"Okay, I've got a drop to make"

I knew what that mean. I didn't need him to explain it to me. By the way he was looking at me I figured he knew. I couldn't blame him. You had to do what you had to do to survive. It didn't all add up. I didn't want to tell him I was uncomfortable. I wanted him to think I was strong.

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