Chapter 16

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Jessie's POV

The next morning when I woke up, as promised Aaron wasn't there. I felt a chill do down my spine. He wouldn't sleep with her right after he'd slept with me right? He wouldn't. There had to be some loyalty he honored. I sat up and pushed the hair out of my face. I let my legs dangle off the bed as I breath a sigh. Pushing my self up I set off for the kitchen. There was no sign of Aaron. My thoughts drifted off to a dark place. Is he fucking her at this very moment. Is she crying out his name as he brings her to the height of ecstasy. I chill cut through my back. I wouldn't. He wouldn't. I tried to convince myself that nothing was going on but the more I did the less hopeful I was.

I could see Biannca laughing at me. Her evil cackle ringing through my head. I grabbed some cereal from the and poured it in. Along with some milk. All the things he'd told me last night had they been a lie. Was it all just something to keep me quiet. I shook my head and grabbed my bowl making my way over to the couch. Knocking sounded at the door. Sighing I sat my bowl down and went to open the door. I was surprised to see Skyland's huge smile. I couldn't stop the smile that came upon my face.

I stepped aside the let him in.

"Skyland what are you doing here?" I gave god thanks that Aaron wasn't here. I did not want him giving Sky a hard time.

He looked around and sat on the couch.

"Is he here?"

I shook my head no and took a seat next to him. At least Skyland could be civil. With Aaron not so much.

"I will never understand why you two dislike each other so much."

"Well I have no problem, he does. He wants you all to himself. Quite selfish if you ask me." I totally agreed. How could he hang around Biannca, but I couldn't even hang out with Skyland. His double standards are starting to annoy me. He leaned back throwing his arm around my shoulder. He smirked at me. His eyes were blood shot and I came to the conclusion that he must be drunk. His pushed on his chest as his arms tightened around my waist.

"Skyland I think you should stop."

My response came out as a whisper. His eyes were on my lips. Panic grew in my chest as his lips grew closer. Sure he was a good looking guy but it would be wrong to kiss him. In a sense I was with Aaron. I should stop him. He grew closer and his eyes fluttered closed. His lips met mine in a soft kiss. It was nothing special just a simple kiss. My knees didn't feel weak, my palms didn't sweat. I placed my hands firmly on his chest and pushed back. Our lips separated with a peaking sound.

Skyland's eyes grew wide with surprise. His mouth formed a "O" as he stuttered.

"I think I'm a little drunk." He real ease my waist and I left out a breath of warm air.

"Yeah your definitely drunk." I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door and grabbed a water bottle. I flung the water bottle at Skyland before I took a seat next to him. I examined him. Why would he be drinking so early in the morning? Maybe he had been at a party last night and was possibly still drunk. Yeah that was probably it. The last time we kissed he was drunk. Maybe even a little high. I watched him as he dozed a little on the couch. His wavey blonde hair was matted on his head.

I let him sleep as I watched TV. I could see the dark circle under his eyes. He was exhausted. His mouth was parted while low snores could be heard. I smiled a little at his cuteness. The door bell awoke me as I was about to doze off to. Sighing I opened to door. A man stood behind the door. He was tall and very muscular. Black jeans hugged his legs. A black leather jacket hung off of his shoulder bringing out his long dark locks. His eyes were brown almost blacking giving him a dangerous appeal. A smirk graced his lips as he gazed down at me.

"May I help you?"

His eyes caressed me from head to toe causing my skin to crawl. Shyness creep back in me. I fidgeted awkwardly sensing a dangerous person.

"Yes you may." he looked past me into the room. "Is Aaron here?" There was something about this man that made me feel uncomfortable. Whether is be his good looks or his mysterious persona.

"N-no I'm sorry he's not here." I tried to talk calmly and keep my voice steady.

"You sure sweetheart."

His eyes were serious and cold. I nodded my head unable to speak. Although he was incredibly sexy I could tell he was into some serious shit. What did he want with Aaron?

"Tell him Alejandro was here, okay."

I nodded my head once more as he walked away without a word. I watched him all the way to the elevator. His eyes held mine and I felt my skin crawl. I quickly shut the door, letting all the tension out with a deep breath. Skyland was still napping on the couch. His eyes fluttered in what I thought could be a dream. The apartment was erie quiet. I couldn't wait for Aaron to come back.

Two hours later Aaron finally made it back. Skyland had gone a while ago to avoid any drama. He still wore the same clothes. His brown hair was styled messily. He gave a deep sigh as he came and sat beside me.

"Did you have sex with her?"

He looked taken back by my question. I frowned at him as it took him way to long to answer.

"What, no." I started him directly in the eyes. His gaze never wavered. I was filled with satisfaction. I could trust Aaron. I jumped up to and straddled his lap as I hugged him. He chuckled, as i placed a kiss on his lips. I laid my head in the crook of his neck. His hands rubbed my back in circular motions.

"So what did you guys do."

He ran his fingers threw his hair.

"Well first we went out to eat at some fancy restaurant." I couldn't help but scoff. "Then we went to pay mini golf. It was so boring. After she tried to have sex but it was just so unpleasant, I couldn't."

I laughed at the thought that Aaron could only get it up for me.

"Oh I almost forgot, someone named Alejandro stopped by to see you." I felt his body tense. I looked up to see him starring at me intently.


"Yeah." I answered quitely. Aaron shot across the room, knocking me off his lap. He grabbed his jacket, flinging it over his head. I jumped up startled.

"Aaron what's going on?" He slowed his movements and face me. A tight smile graced his lips. He grabbed my face with both of his hands. He looked at me intently. "Nothings wrong, did he say why he was here?"

I shook my head. Watching him as he fumbled around for his keys. He walked to the door turning around to glance at me.

"I'll be back."

I slipped on some sandals and ran after him. I called him name as he approached the elevator.

"Go back inside Jessie, now." He gave me a stern look as he waited for the elevator. His demeanor scared me. It had been a while since I'd seen a serious Aaron.The elevator dinged and opened. I followed Aaron in hanging off his arm. "Let me come with you Aaron."

He sent me a sharp glared and his fist clench. The elevator closed and began it's decent.

"No." I knew his answer was final. I drew my last card.I leaned against his arm. I let tears prick my eyes. "Please Aaron. After that man visited I can't be by myself anymore. Please take me with you." I did my best puppy dog face. After a few seconds I almost gave up until his expression softened.

"Fine, but you have to do exactly what I say. No buts." I nodded. It wasn't all a lie. Ever since Alejandro appeared at the door I had been feeling very close to the edge. He grabbed my hand as the elevator dinged signaling that we'd reached our floor. Aaron took long strides dragging me along with him.


What did you think? Vote and comment. Sorry for the long wait I'm on the track team and super busy with track, homework etc. Sorry for mistakes.

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