Amazon Prime #Panic Bonus Chapter

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In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


The heat in our small Texan town feels more oppressive than usual as we stand in the endless dark of Spurlock's farm. Not a wisp of wind is there to camouflage our movement among the stalks of corn, so we need to be particularly careful. Other than our flashlights, the only source of light is acres away coming from Spurlock's house. And those acres are full of booby traps.

I point my flashlight at the cornfield, silently finalizing my plans, when a figure cuts across the beam. The stalks rustle as one shakes, gripped in a small hand.

"Natsu, let's steal the corn," Hitori says, determination and regret mixed in his voice. "Stealing isn't nice, though so..." He pulls at the husk, trying to dig his fingers in past the leaves. "If we plant a kernel, then we are giving back."

As expected, despite his anxiety and innocence, oddball Hitori is handling Panic quite well. While everyone else said a petite kid was bound to drop out or die early, I knew there was something special about him. That something will get him further through Panic than most, especially with my help.

"It has to be something from the house," I explain.

"But the riddle didn't say."

If the hosts didn't get their intel straight from the judges, then his simple thinking would actually be pretty smart.

Hitori whips his head around to look back at me despite the beam of light directed at him. Catching my gaze, he gives up arguing, and thoughtfully places a finger to his chin.

"Then... Let's take something off the porch." He bites his lip. "Like splintered wood."

It's hard to tell how much of his suggestions come from not wanting to commit a crime and how much is his attempt at making this challenge as easy as possible. But there are no easy challenges in Panic. I doubt the judges would let us pass with a splinter.

He shifts his eyes, seeming to know the chance is slim and not worth risking.

I give him a kind smile. "Let's make it to the house first then decide what we'll take." Grasping his hand, I lead him into the cornfield. "Stick close behind me."

While still gripping my hand, Hitori follows close on my heels.

As I walk down a row, something reflects off the flashlight beam. I halt my steps and Hitori's forehead collides with my back.

He peeks forward from behind me. "What's that?"

"Fishing line," I explain as I resume moving forward, stepping over it. "Trip wire. Be careful."

Seeing how low the wire is to the ground it's clear that the traps are first and foremost for any animals. If humans get caught in them as well, that is just a bonus.

Other than the wires, we come upon bear traps, which provide more obvious danger. A mangled raccoon lies already caught in one, blood and flesh exposed. Hitori frowns at it, twisting his mouth.

"I feel bad for it," he whispers. "But it is also the laws of nature. He's trespassing and trying to steal from Spurlock."

I raise an eyebrow. "Like us?"

Hitori pauses, realizing his contradiction. "Well, if we get caught, it is sad but also fair."

I bite back a sad laugh. "Let's not get caught."

His avidly nodding head hits my back several times.

"Let's get out of here. We'll go through the woods on the side instead."

I carefully but speedily lead Hitori to the forest, crickets providing an eerie soundtrack. Hitori cups his hands, catching and releasing a firefly before stepping with me into the woods.

We come to a small clearing. "This is a perfect place for a pit," I explain to the air-headed boy beside me, hoping he'll get some sort of education out of this. He just nods once.

Examining the forest floor, I find a safe path for us to cross. The flashlight attached to Hitori's belt scans a tarp hidden beneath sticks and leaves.

"Oh," he begins with a cheerful voice. "Do you think a saw will come swinging if we step on a trap?"

I glance over to catch his expression lit by the moon and seriously worry for this kid. "Why do you look so excited?"

He giggles. "Like Indiana Jones."

This time I can't mask my exasperated sigh. "Take this more seriously. People died last year."

His eyes and lips curve as he smiles. "I'm not scared because you're here."

Before I can sort out the mess of emotions that swirl, an unsettling holler rips through the air.

Our heads whip towards the scream which was surely one of the other participants.

Hitori is already leaning towards the sound. "I think someone got caught in a trap, we have to help! Quick!"

"Wait," I hiss, catching a firm grip on his arm and yanking him back towards me. Something isn't right and I pray Hitori will understand the tense gaze I'm giving him.

"It's quiet," he wisely observes in a whisper. He's already replaced the concerned look on his face with one of wonder and curiosity. "Do you think they're dead? Maybe they're unconscious. Natsu... Or maybe they are tricking us?"

Behind us comes the sound of rustling. Our backs are completely open.

"Don't forget," I prompt, wondering if he remembers one of the first lessons I'd given him.

Hitori wraps his fingers around mine as he straightens his back. "The challenges aren't the only dangerous part of the game," he recites, tone calm and serious.

My grip tightens on the flashlight as I repurpose it as a weapon. "The other players are too."

As whatever is behind us comes closer, I swing my arm, ready to fight back.

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