42 | Start #601

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I'm frozen at the door as the small figure stands up from the sofa. He brushes the black cat hair off his hand onto his matching pants then points to the kitchen counter feet away from me.

"Those tablets. You have to take them."

I glance over and see a prescription pill bottle.

"Put one tablet under your tongue and let it fizzle, Seiji-sensei said."


"Se-Se-Seiji... osu..." He pouts. "Th-that doctor!"

"Oh." He means Sergius.

"Please hurry."

"Oh." My hands fumble as I grab the pill bottle and unscrew the top. I put one of the two blood-red tablets under my tongue and, as I wait for it to dissolve, stare at Hitori.

"Did you eat it?"

I smack my tongue. It tastes a little like strawberries and matcha. "Yeah."

"Do you feel weird?"

"Am I supposed to?"

He blinks, "N-no," and shakes his head.

"I feel normal."

The corners of Hitori's lips stretch, and he speeds towards me, stopping a foot away. He's grown a little taller. He bites his lip. "Welcome home."

I'm speechless. So many things are running through my mind. His presence. His knowledge of Sergius. The strawberry-matcha-flavored red tablets. I'm sure they're what allows him to be here safely.


Hitori blinks a few times, and his eyes move to the floor as he takes a step back. "K-Kyo-san said... Natsu-senpai... would be happy to see me." He glances up.


"A-are you happy?"


Red spreads across his cheeks. He stammers some sounds before finally saying, "Kyo-san... told me everything... Um... you're... a vampire, huh?"


"And... J-Japan... hotel..." His cheeks, which were just turning white again, slightly flush. "Um... I know! N-Natsu-senpai's feelings are different. Different from mine... Even so... is it okay?"


"Is it okay... for my 'like' to be different?..."

"I'm the one who should be asking that," I breathe.

Hitori shakes his head. "Happy... I am happy."

We're quiet for some seconds. "Then, you came to see me?"

He tilts his head, looking puzzled. "Yes. Th-that's why I'm standing here?"

"For how long?"

Eyes shifting every which way, he hesitates, "For however long Senpai wants me..."

"Do you promise?"


"What if it's until you're old and grey?"

"Huh?!" He goes rosy again and looks down, then scratches the side of his head. After chuckling, Hitori bows. "Please take care of me."

A smile spreads across my face. "I forgot."

He shoots up, eyes wide and worried.

"I'm home."

Hitori's wide grin causes his eyes to squint, and it's great to see him no longer hesitating. That smile is one of the best things I've ever seen. "Welcome home."

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