9 | Various Types of Pain

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On Monday, I sat under the cherry blossom tree, staring past the corner of the shed and waiting for Hitori to appear. Hoping for Hitori to appear. Praying for Hitori to appear. He never showed.

When school ended, I stood at the gate, staring down the path to the front doors of the building and waiting for Hitori to appear. Hoping for Hitori to appear. Dying for Hitori to appear. Even as the last few people crossed the gates, he didn't show.

It was worrying, but I couldn't risk going to his home. Maybe he just missed today, and he'll be here tomorrow, I thought.

But today, again, he never showed at lunch. Is he here? Did something happen to him? Is he avoiding me? But if he's in danger, I can't just sit around worrying. So, I decide to go to his class and see if he's at least at school. Being a third-year, I draw a bit of attention as I go down the first year hallway. But I manage to take a peek at my target without him noticing. Hitori is sitting at his desk, looking solemn as he pulls out his books for the next lesson. The bandage on his cheek is still there. There's no way I can detect if he has any additional wounds underneath his uniform. I let out a sigh. At least he's here. He's safe.

As I go back to my classroom, I gather that means he's avoiding me. Why? Will associating with me get him into more trouble at home? Is he regretting coming to me that night and feeling ashamed? I want to know. But if I find some way to talk to him, will it cause problems? Maybe he needs some time, and he'll come back to me on his own.

I stop walking and put my hand over my mouth. "Come back to me?" Is it weird to think like that? I don't know.

I honestly don't know.

I shouldn't have gotten— I shouldn't have let him get close. When I get to my desk, I start to wonder if it's my fault. Part of what got him in trouble was the purikura. It wouldn't have existed if we had never associated with each other... But it made him so happy. In the end, to him, was it worth it?

I hide my face with my hands. Breaking my mother's rules, then getting him hurt so severely... I can't say it was worth it.

 I can't say it was worth it

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Friday, June 1, 2007

It's the end of the week when I open my locker to find a folded piece of paper on top of my indoor shoes. It's unlined and reminds me of the paper Hitori uses to sketch on. When I unfold it, I discover my inkling was correct.

To Natsu,

Please meet me in the bathrooms near the music room at lunch. Please come. I need to talk to you without anyone seeing.

From Hitori

I slide the folded note into my pocket and let out a sardonic chuckle. The rest of the morning, I'm unfocused on the lectures and lessons. Stupidly thinking it will somehow speed up time, I do my classwork and homework in a hurry. When the lunch bell rings, I head straight for the Arts hall and go past the music room. Pausing at the bathroom door, I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what Hitori might be about to say.

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