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I couldn't say anything, I was practicly frozen in place at the sight of Muzan. In a single finger swipe i could be killed. What do i do? I won't run, and i won't scream, just In case i alert Kyojuro and Sanemi, if they know Muzan is here they'll try to kill him but it will only result in him killing them.

"Who are you?" He asks with a demanding tone. "You're no demon slayer, you are but a young woman with no strength at all and we have never met before. So, how come you knew who I was in Asakusa?" He growled, raising an eyebrow.

"I-I-I..." I stutter. What am I supposed to say? He is the most intimidating person or well, demon, in Demon Slayer and he's confronting me.

"You, you, you, what?" He laughs.

I step back. "Get away from me..." I whisper, but loud enough for him to hear.

He vanishes from sight and i feel him behind me, his arm shoots around to the front of me before grabbing my throat, as he leans in close to my ear, my back facing him, my entire body shaking.

"Or what?" Muzan chuckles with evil intent.

Has he touched my skin, i know what hes feeling towards me, it's hatred. The one thing i disliked most about knowing the feelings of people, was knowing that they hated me. But that was most of the time.

The fish I'm currently holding in my hands drops to the floor with a splat like sound, I clench my hands around Muzan's and try to pry him off me, occasionally kicking him in the legs, but it doesn't phase him the slightest.

"Let go of me, now!" I gasped as he taps his nails at my throat.

"Then tell me how you knew of my name." He demands. "And I'll let you go unharmed." He tries to reason.

"No, I can't." I trembled.

"Why not?" He beckoned.

"I just can't, so let me g-" I'm interrupted by a voice. Kyojuro's to be exact. He calls my name from a distance, unsure of my location.

"(NAME)? where are you?" He shouts, waiting for a reply. I don't say anything as to not draw his attention over to us.

"A, I sense a second... how annoying. I'll have to find you later then." He mocked and released his grip on my throat, walking into the forest.

My legs feel weak, unable to support my weight as I slump to the dirt next to the fish. My eyes are wide and my whole body shaking. I feel a warm liquid slowly drizzle down my neck. Blood. From a long cut Muzan inflicted upon me as he released my neck and disappeared into the trees once again.

It wasn't fatal at all, it wasnt a deep cut but if I leave it untreated it could get infected.

Muzan's eyes were burned into the back of my mind, the only things I could see as I sat helplessly on the ground.

"(Name)-chan! There you are, I was looking all over for-" Kyojuro finds me staring at the ground and upon seeing my current state, he pauses before sprinting over to me, grabbing my shoulder with one hand and my face with the other, making me look up at him. "Are you okay? What happened? Is everything alright? Let me help you up, okay." He asks questions over and over, as he attempts to help me stand.

"Ahh! Don't touch me!" I shout, my mind still clouded with Muzan's eyes, thinking Muzan was grabbing me, I began to thrash at Kyojuro, falling back to the ground. "The eyes! I don't want to see them!" I shout, closing my eyes tight.

I feel big strong, warm arms gently wrap around me, holding me close. Muzan's eyes, stuck into my head are slowly fading away as I begin to realise who's holding me with such care. My arms wrap around him and pull him closer. A hand begins to stroke my hair gently and I hear a voice speak into my ear soothingly.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now