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I pry my eyes open slowly to adjust to the afternoon light shining on me from the window. Once my eyes adjust to my surroundings I look around, both of my arms connected to a drip each, I am wrapped up in bandages and my body feels so light, everything is numb and too stiff too move.

"" I lift my hand to my forehead and massage it briefly before the door opens and a tiny Mui walks in.

"M-mui.." I say softly and he looks up at me with a blank stare before realising that I am awake and his dead expression changes to an over joyed one.

"You're awake!!" He yells and hugs me too tightly.

"Mui..too tight..hurts.."I wheeze out.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay! I'll go get..what's her name again?" He asks.

"Shi..nobu.."  I tell him with my quiet voice, my body still affected from the fight that my voice is temporarily ruined because my lungs were harmed by the poison.

Mui runs off to go find her and shinobu basicly kicks the door down and instantly doing a check up on my condition.

"I'm so glad you're awake. You too so long to open your eyes." Shinobu said in her happy voice.

"How long?" I ask, looking into her eyes. Mui sits on my bed next to me and holds my hand, I lift my arm around him slightly and he lays down gently on my arm and hugs me, not wanting to hurt me anymore than I already am.

"Two months. Your heart stopped three times on the way here and once while you were in this bed, we had to keep resuscitating you." Shinobu says as she turns her head away sadly. "We thought you wouldn't wake up. Kyojuro was afraid the most, you were in such bad shape that he cried over you, he was so scared." My eyes widen as much as they could go and mui nods into my arm, agreeing with what shinobu says.

"Where is he?" I wait for an answer while she adjusts my drip.

"He went to go get you flowers. He gets you new ones everyday so they always stay fresh and beautiful for you. Isn't he sweet? You have to invite me to your wedding." Shinobu laughs. I smile at what she says, not at the wedding part, at the flowers though, he always thinks of me, he is so perfect.

"He is very sweet. I'm very..tired. I'm gonna close my eyes now..." mui goes to get up but I stop him. "You can stay there if you want to, I missed you too." I smile at him and he lay back down and hugs me again. I could no longer hold my eyes open and so I fall back into my sleep .


A day later I am awake again and i could only slowly open my eyes as I felt someone sitting down on the edge of the bed. I let out a small yawn, only to stop as soon as I was met with tired golden irises.

“’re awake...” was all Kyojuro said as he groggily rubbed his good eye, before completely pausing as his eye widened as far as it could go, pupils quickly started to tremble as so did his lips.

“(N-Name)..?” His voice cracked as his body completely stiffened, tears already rolling down his eye as it held nothing but shock and sadness, yet relief was there as well.

I sniffle as I felt some tears come down my own pairs of eyes, and I quickly extended my arms as far as they go at the moment, Kyojuro taking the gesture as he dove right into my chest, his arms wrapped around me securely, sobbing into my chest as I patted his head soothingly, sobbing happily as I let my lips shakily curve into a small smile. I didn't mind that I was in pain while he hugged me, because a hug from him could heal anything.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now