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"Yes, my flower? I'm right here." I could feel him running his hands through my hair gently.

I open my eyes slowly, finding myself on my futon in my estate, kyojuro next to me, holding me close.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get you anything?" Kyojuro asks quickly. I sit up and frown at nothing.

"W-whats wrong?" Kyojuro is surprised at my expression and sits up with me.

"I'm hungry." And right on cue, my tummy rumbles and kyojuro laughs as he slides a tray of food out from behind him.

"I thought you would be. I made your favourite, (f/f)." He lifts the tray onto his lap and passes me a bowl.

*(f/f)=favourite food.*

"Aww, thank you." My eyes lit up at the sight and I began eating right away.

"Where's Sanemi?" I ask.

"He went home after he gave you your medicine and made sure I was here to watch you. He also apologised, but I said it was fine because he didn't do anything to me, but if he was to hurt you, there would be no getting away from me." Kyojuro smiled down at me.

"As long as he realises his mistake." I sigh.


A couple weeks go by, I no longer go on missions on my own and was told that I should just retire because of my condition, but I can't, I need to protect everyone as much as I can.

Tetsuro lands on my arm and screaches at me that I have a mission with the sound hashira, Uzui Tengen. I know exactly what this mission is about and I'm not excited. I walk to Kyojuro's estate to say goodbye before I leave, just in case I don't return.

"(Name)-nee-chan! Hello. Are you leaving for a mission?" Senjuro answers the door and greets me.

"Yes I am, I came to say goodbye, I may not be back for a few days and came to see kyojuro before I leave, is he home?" I ask.

"Yes, I'll go get him, please come inside." Senjuro let's me inside and I wait by the door for kyojuro to arrive.

"(Name), I didn't know you were going on a mission, I'm glad you came to see me before you leave." Kyojuro says as he comes around the corner, scooping my hands up in his, giving them a kiss.

"I always come and see you when I go on a mission..." I pause.

"What's wrong?" Kyo asks me as he cups one side of my face.

"I'm just not sure how this mission will go with me there." I say with worry.

"You saw it didn't you, you know how it goes?" Kyojuro asks, he knows that I'm not exactly from here and that I know everything that happens to people here.

I nod. "But when I saw it, it was just Tengen, Tanjiro and his two friends. But they all almost died, Tengen lost his hand and eye and retired because of upper moon six. What if..what if I can't stop that, what if I'm not strong enough to get through the fight?" I look up at kyojuro in his eye and he smiles lovingly down at me.

"Upper moon six? Just promise me that you will come back and then you will have to motivate yourself to do your utmost best to come back to me alive. I know you can do this because you are my strong little flower."

"I promise." Kyojuro pulls me into a tight hug.

"I love you so much. Please be safe." He says into my shoulder, his hot breath tickling my neck.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now