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"(NAME)!" Kyojuro screams. Everyone's heads snap in my direction. Gasps escape mouths. Sobs sound in my ears. This is it.

It hit me.

I've already lost too much blood.

I won't make it.

Im out of energy.

Everything hurts.

Everyone. . .is hurt.

I kept most people alive.

I changed most of the story.

Maybe this is good enough.

Maybe I can rest now.

The tentacle that has struck my stomach began to wrap around me, dragging me closer to the demon king.

"You're a persistent little brat aren't you. Holding me down like that." He mumbles, gripping onto the hair atop my head and making my eyes look at him. That won't kill you, I missed your vital organs. . .but this." He laughs from deep inside him and points to my cheek. "Once this silly thing reaches your brain or your're finished." He laughs again.

"It was but a silly little experiment I was conducting on you from the start. All those times we saw eachother and you never drew your blade was because I wanted to see how it was getting along."

No one moves now, everyone is frozen, unsure of what to do. Kyojuro watches from afar, his face drained of colour as he watches the only woman he has ever felt so much love for be absolutely tortured and taunted by muzan.

"Everytime you met with me I would watch it grow and spread ever so slightly. I had no reason to do this to you. It was simply an experiment. And you...You withering little flower...were perfect to conduct the experiment on." Muzan laughs again.

"Everytime your close to me it reacts and spreads faster. It's because I fused my blood into it. The closer you are to me. The more it spreads." He brings his face close to my ear and whispers.

"All those little happy-lovey times you had with that flame hashira. I was watching from a far, making it spread and ruining those moments."

My eyes widen. He did that? He ruined our moments? The happy moments that I'll never experience again? He fucking did that!?

"Now.." He straightens himself up and looks around at all the hashira and lower ranked demon slayers.

"Let's see how long she lasts up here with me, shall we?" He begins to attack everyone once again and I try to struggle out of his grasp but he has my arms wrapped tightly within the tentacle whip.

Muzan tightens the hold, pushing all the air out of my body and I slump over. My vision spotting with black as I watch everyone jumping and slashing around me.

"I'm sorry, everyone.." I whisper.


Mist breathing: fifth form: sea of clouds and haze.

Bangs from a shotgun are heard

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now