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I sighed as I opened my eyes, not being able to feel sleepy at all. It's late at night and  I begin to feel an irritating stretching sensation on my neck, it was the scar trying to grow through the prescribed medication.

"Kyojuro?" I turn to kyojuro laying asleep in his bed, I feel bad for waking him since he is still tired from the upper moon fight but I need help. He doesn't respond so I struggle to sit up as I try to limit the movement in my broken leg. Wincing when I stretch my tummy, pulling at the stitches in it causing a slight pain, I call kyojuros name again but louder.

This time he stirs a bit before turning to face me, but he was still asleep. 'What a heavy sleeper.' I thought. The weird sensation getting worse by the second begins to scare me.

"Kyojuro!" I almost yell and he jolts up from his pillow staring directly at me with his eye wide, the other still hidden with the bandage.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong? What happened?" He rapidly asks in a state of panic.

"I'm sorry to wake you but the medication is wearing off for my scar and I can feel it growing, I can't exactly get up so can you go get shinobu for me?" I ask and he jumps up out of bed.

"I'll go get her for you! You dint need to worry!" He says proudly walking over to the door and as he reaches for the handle he misses it completely.

His depth perception is thrown off by the patch over his eye, making things seem closer than they are, therefore, he missed the door handle.

"Huh?" He asks himself.

"Your depth perception is off a little bit because of your eye being coved. It makes things seem closer or sometimes more further away than they are." I giggle as he stands there looking funny.

"I see."

"Yes, with one eye." I chuckle.

"A pun was not intended!" He frowns at me playfully and walks out the door with a cute little huff to show the annoyance he does not have for me.

He comes back a minute later with shinobu yawning behind him.

"What's wrong, (name)?" Shinobu asks as she wipes away the sleep from her eye.

"Can I have some more medication for this?" I ask, pointing to the scar. "I can feel it growing and I don't like it." I frown and shinobu nods, walking out of the room to get more medication for me.

I look over at kyojuro who seems to be a little too awake to go back to sleep. "When can you leave?" Not for a few more weeks, some of my internal organs were beaten up pretty bad. How long for you?" He asks as he lays on his tummy in the bed, hugging his pillow to his chest and watching me.

"I think I have about a month and a half or something. Shinobu said she doesn't want me to go anywhere with this broken leg and big gash in my stomach, she's afraid I'll hurt myself again." I chuckle and rub at the back of my neck.

Kyojuro begins to laugh. "Yes, that sounds reasonable enough."

I look at the table beside me and see a small pouch that sanemi bought me. I spooned it and I smiled, it was hard candy, my favourite. I took one and plonked it into my mouth.

"Do you want one?" I offer the bag to kyojuro and he takes a bit of the candy out.

"Thank you, I love these." He smiles.

"So do I!" I burst and we both laugh.

A few weeks pass and kyojuro and I feel ourselves coming closer and closer together, in terms of feelings for one another that is. Being confined to a bed isn't all that bad when I think about it.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now