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It's been weeks now since I have lost Amanda, her funeral was difficult to go to, and it was even worse when Tanjiro came around before he knew what happened to ask if Amanda could join him for a walk. It broke my heart more to tell him that she was gone, to tell him that she wasn't coming back, I broke down on the spot and he looked shattered. He left without a word.

I'm shattered, my chest aching everyday, every image of Amanda fading away more and more every day. My mind slipping away from its usual happy state. What am I supposed to do, it was so unexpected, I should have done more, I thought she was ready and strong enough, I should have played more attention.

. . .It was all my fault. . .

Currently, I am in my room sitting on my bed and holding the hilt of her sword close to my heart. Being without Amanda is difficult, not hearing her loud laughing has become lonely. Yes, kyo I still here but he has become rather quiet also.

Unknowing to me, kyojuro peeks through the gap of my door, watching me slowly breakdown, his heart falling apart at the sight of my weakened state. He is giving me space to help me help myself heal.

I couldn't imagine what had happened to her...poor Amanda...


Amanda's pov before she died:

Yawning, I felt my crow land smoothly on my shoulder, gently beckoning for me to stay awake as we continued our trek down the road and towards the town I was assigned to go for my next village. ‘I wonder what Tanjiro-kun is up to..’ I let my brain wonder to Tanjiro, and the new friends I got to make.

Why was my mind suddenly remembering all this now though? The answer to that remained unknown, and I let a loud silence erupt into the setting day as the sun started hiding behind the far horizons, while the moon was slowly waking up from its long slumber and deciding to already call upon its servants to shine.

“CAW!! CAW!! HEAD TO THE INN TO REST FIRST!! CAW!!” I sigh as I nodded at my loving crow, feeling how she flew up to the air a bit above me and guided me to the inn where she had recommended me to rest at before starting my mission.

Now walking through the door and into the small and cute inn, I let my eyes wander to anything they thought was suspicious or odd. Since well, I was here for a tough mission after all, so who knows what kind of demon I will bump into. I must be ready at all costs and stay cautious.

“Here you go, miss! Here’s your room key, and the bathrooms are just here on the ground level! Feel free to go and relax in our hot baths!” I smile kindly at the lady behind the counter before softly grabbing the keys she gave me, also handing her the yen she asked for. Waving goodbye and telling her to have a lovely night, I started my next adventure up the wonky stairs. But I wasn’t complaining, since after this trek I will get to relax for the night before waking up early to find this rather troublesome demon.

The door to my room creaked open, and I shut it softly behind me and quickly went to open the window, taking advantage of the small light that the still setting sun was filtering into the room through another window.

I opened it with a small creak as well, and let my loyal crow fly into the room gracefully, landing on my finger that was stretched out for her to land on. “Any suspicious activity so far?” I ask her, and she only shook her head hesitantly. “No, not yet. I didn’t see anything, or anyone.” she had whispered, which made me surprised she could speak calmly and normal without screeching.

I hummed, glancing out the window before glancing back at her beady eyes. “Alight then, you can rest for now if you’d like. This was a long journey, and it won’t get any easier.” I tell her, watching as she nodded in agreement and settled into the small nest I had made for her secretly.

I watch as she settled, and eventually fell asleep, gentle and small snores emitting in the room. A small smile formed on my lips, and I turned on my heel towards the dresser to unpack some small items I had in my small travel bag. I threw my uniform off, and a thought popped up, '(name) wanted to give me something when I come back, I wonder what it is'..but that thought only worried me.

But I wasn’t sure why I was worried. I felt something was really wrong, still not being able to place a finger on it. Deciding to check it off and get on the robe that was folded neatly on my already made bed, I still felt as if eyes were watching me. Making me very uneasy.

Stepping out of the room, I made sure my robe wasn’t loose enough to drop, and I made my way down to the main level where the bathrooms are.


I slowly dressed myself into a yukata, along with my under clothing and whatnot. But my conscious was telling me to go to sleep in my demon slayer uniform..

I complied, still having doubts but decided to listen anyways and dressed into my uniform instead, throwing on my long and blue checkered haori that looked a bit like Tanjiro’s.

I flop onto the mattress, but... I felt something was wrong. I felt someone staring at me in the darkness, making me feel uneasy since I wasn’t the best when it came to the dark.

I had even whispered my crow over, writing down on a random piece of litter I found for her to go outside. Since I knew what will come in a few hours of ‘sleeping’.

Now, I let myself relax and look as if I were sleeping. Trying my hardest to not move a muscle, except my gentle snores which indicated I could be sleeping. But..

I sweat... as soon as I heard a small and sadistic chuckle from above me.


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