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The next day kyo and I are hiding in a bush, just sitting there, watching and waiting to catch glimpse of whatever is about to happen. Amanda has been going on little walks with tanjiboy as of lately and now and only now is the one time kyo and I are able to spy on them, unsure if zenitsu is there with his super hearing, we both stay super quiet and watch what's going down.

THERE THEY— I clasp a hand over Kyos mouth, making him quickly go silent as he snorted inaudibly from his own actions. My eyes scan the clearing, and I felt them brighten as they landed on the silhouettes of Amanda and Tanjiro.

"Wait-!" I pause as my eyes focus more on the two kids. "Are they on a date..!" I whisper yell and kyo nods his head with a cheeky grin. The two kids walk side by side, no Inosuke or Zenitsu around that I'm aware of. "They're awfully close to eachother.." I frown a tad bit.

You look quite cute today, Tanjiro-kun! I heard Amanda say, a shy smile on her lips as she played with a loose strand of her hair. I saw the blush that quickly appeared on Tanjiros cheeks, and I hold Kyos hand to stop myself from running out there and protecting my baby Amanda.

"Y-you think so?" Tanjiro steals a glance at Amanda and she nods her head a bit harshly. "Well, I think you look beautiful." Tanjiro says, trying to make his words sound better than hers. Amanda's face explodes into a bright red and she twiddles her thumbs and mutters a shy, "thank you, Tanjiro-kun."

And now, I felt everything slowing down as it all focused around their hands. Tanjiros was itching closer to hers, their fingers shyly grasping each others before their palms touched, and I blink as they slowly started to hold their hands.

My eyes snap open wide and I run as fast as I can to get between them and separate their hands. "(Name)?!" Kyojuro shouts for me but follows shortly after when I don't respond. I make it to the two kids and grab their arms, tearing their hands away from eachother aggressively. "No hand holding! That's bad!" I sternly say and the two look at me with scared expressions.

H-How—What—HUH?! Amanda stuttered out, Tanjiro doing the exact same as they immediately bursted into a deep red, finally taking the whole situation in. (NAME)-SAMA!! YOU WERE SPYING ON US THIS WHOLE TIME?!! Amanda screeched at the top of her lungs, now beginning to chase me while trying to bonk me with her sandal, but I obviously outran her, still laughing like an idiot while Tanjiro only had an awkward staring contest with Kyo.

" two, huh?" Kyo tries to make conversation and tanjiro doesn't know what to do and freezes. "You still want to be my tsuguko?" Kyo still tries to make conversation but it's just getting to the awkward point of no return when he gets no reply so he turns and faces my, not exact location, but watches me trot away from Amanda with giggles.

HOW COULD YOU BETRAY MEE!! Amanda continued to scream and yell, her face now beet red with anger instead of flusteredness. I HAVE TO PROTECT YOU!! I defended, still running away from her with giggles while she groaned with frustration. UGHH!! I give up. And I only wheezed as I watch her plop down to her bum like a chibi character, looking adorable even though she looked like an angry cat.

"What were you two doing anyway?" I ask Amanda and she hides her face by turning her head. "Just going for a walk.." She mumbles. "Yeah yeah, I see." Kyo chuckles and pats my shoulder. "Let's leave them, I'm sure they'll be good."

"Okay fiiiiine." I groan playfully with a grin and grab onto kyos hand. Kyojuro and I begin to walk off but I stop and call to Amanda. "Dont forget about training tonight!"

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now