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️major sexual content, if you dont like it then skip this chapter⚠️

I sigh in a bored manner as I step into the bathroom, a deadpan expression on my face as I shut the door. I quickly strip out of my loosely worn yukata and letting it fall to the floor, making sure I wasn’t putting too much pressure on my bad leg.

Turning on the bath and letting it fill up slowly, I make my way to the long, full length mirror to try and brush out my messy bed hair, since I just woke up an hour ago to find myself alone in the huge estate. I sigh in content once any unnecessary knots were now brushed out, attempting to tie my hair up into a bun afterward.

But, as expected, I felt myself freeze as I stare at my reflection, eyes glimmering back at me as they stare. I felt myself even more naked as my own eyes continued on just staring back at me, something oddly sinister about them making me stir. Then, the black void came curling down on me, my reflection appearing to be suffering as her chest was now completely withering away, along with her organs as well. It all...slowly falling apart.

I felt myself unable to move, not even able blink as my eyes couldn’t tear themselves away from the carnage unfolding before me. The black void became darker and darker and darker, and now it was just myself inside it. I felt a hand grasp my leg, and then a lot more came hurtling down towards me, grabbing anything they could grasp their frozen fingers around. My eyes widen as I finally started moving, the hands touching me in places I was slightly uncomfortable with.

I tried screaming, but I felt my voice not even exist. Nothing came out of my throat, and I could only silently watch as the hands touched me everywhere, eventually one of them grabbing me by the throat and choking me, almost breaking my neck on the spot.

‘N-No!’ I mentally scream as I finally find my hands and grab the wrists of all the hands one by one, ripping them away from me as fast as I could. But... the one on my throat still remained. I felt myself gag as it grew stronger, my hands helplessly trying to pry off its wrist. The gripping getting stronger. Stronger. Stronger. Stronger.

I gripped the fingers as hard as possible, pulling them away from me with all the strength I could muster. I felt myself fall back on my bum as soon as I was able to break its grip on me, my body oddly sweaty as I stare into nothingness, now realizing I was sitting on my bum on the cold bathroom floor.

I heard loud running footsteps echoing down the hall, making me blink, since I was supposedly home alone. And thus, the door slid right open, revealing a wide eyed Kyojuro as he stared at me, parting his lips to speak.

“(NAME)! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!” He had shouted, worry laced in his tone. I felt myself grow stiff as I just silently stare at him, the heat slowly rising to my cheeks.

“K-Kyo..” I mumbled as I tried covering my completely exposed body, but I couldn’t even find my arms. His eye went even wider as it slowly averted down from my face towards my completely exposed breasts, down my stomach, and to my...

“K-KYOJURO!!” I shouted, lips trembling as I finally found my arms, now flailing them around like a child to try and get him to stop looking all over my body like how he was now. He quickly slapped his hands on his one good eye, face completely glowing in red as his ears were as well.

“I-I’m sorry!” He had exclaimed, lips trembling as he grew even more flustered, making me only blush harder.

I take a deep breathe, still a blushing mess. “I-It’s okay...” i mumbled, attempting on standing up, only to fall back on my bum, causing my whole body to literally jiggle. Thus, Kyojuro had seen it, and only grew even more flustered, now his back turned towards me since he didn’t want to make me even more uncomfortable.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now