10) Adventure Time

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First off, I'd like to say I'm sorry I haven't touched this story in slow long. I've been busy on my other account on here plus I've started school so juggling around has not been the most fun. :O

But I hope you guys enjoy the bounce back chapter! 




I glanced up from my desk, Summer strolling over while in her short night gown. Rex hot on her trail, both of them having a mixed look on their faces. Summer stopped at the corner of my desk and exhaled shaky, "Alex is gone." 


"You have to go back." 

"No--I want to help." 

Kaiden snorted, sitting beside him on the couch as I wrapped his arm up. He leaned forward, chin on his good fist. "Do you even know the situation? It's bigger than our last adventure" 

"I know." Alex pulled his backpack off his shoulder, settling it on the floor and went to unzipping it. I exchanged looks with Kade for a couple seconds till Alex went ah ha! He pulled out a notebook, sliding it over. Kade offered a confused look before grabbing it and opening it, I stopped wrapping and leaned a little closer against him to least read up on what it was. There was a few pictures, my stomach dropping as one of was of the man who had Sin. Kade growled low, picking up the picture and glared at it. 

He even started to breathe heavy and slow, "This is the bastard who has it?" He glared over his shoulder at me, his grey eyes darkening. 

I swallowed, nodding gently and glanced back at Alex. "How'd you get these?" 

"There's an artifact at the museum one a field trip I went to a couple months ago. It looked just like what Kade has so I looked more up on it." He locked eyes with Kade who dropped the picture. "The next day I went to see it, it was gone. This guy was carrying it out." 

Kade growled remarkably lower, rubbing her hands together and glared at the picture. "Drop off and pick up." 

 I sucked a breath in, glancing between the two. "What'd do they want with it?" Neither of them answered, Kade shooting Alex a dark look who shrugged. 

"I don't know but we need to find out." 

"Clearly." Kade muttered, looking to his half wrapped arm then shot me the same expression. "Can you finish anything?" 

I cocked a brow, leaning back. "Oh, trust me. I'll fi-." Pain plunged into my left side, gasping. I dropped the wrap and grabbed the back and ribs, the pain doubled within a second; growling out-loud. Kaiden said my name husky, grabbing my shoulder. My left side was stiff, muscles twitching as he moved me to lean away from him. He moved my hand away and pulled my shirt up, near breathless when he ripped my shirt up. The air itself made whatever it was sting like a thousand needle into my skin, groaning and biting my lip. 

"Oh my God." 

Through squinting eyes and in pain, I slowly glanced back at him as now Alex and him were gawking at my side. I panted, "W-wh-what's--what's wrong?" Kaiden gawked at me, flicking his eyes back onto my side. I started to twist to least get a peek when the pain surged even worse, screaming out. I was about to grab my side but Kaiden grabbed my hand, growling and buckling over. "What the hell is wrong with me?" 

"Just relax." I felt a hand on my shoulder blade. "Alex, get me a knife." 

"A what?!" I squeaked. 

"And some vodka." He yelled out, smelling his cologne suddenly closer. I squinted over to see him leaned over too, near my face. "You're gonna wanna drink some, darlin." 

"What's--happening to me, Kade?" 

He stared at me, looking back at my side then sighed heavy. "It's worse than I even thought." He muttered, sitting up. "Come on, lay on your side." My side was stiff like it was having a massive spasm, Kade having to help me lay down. He walked over to the other sofa to a get a pillow, sneaking a peek at my side now. I screamed on the top of my lungs at the black bulge in my side. I gawked at it longer, seeing the black skin around was spreading, screaming more as Kade rushed back over. He pushed me down by my shoulder, panting heavy and staring up at his irritated look. "What the hell is that?! What is that, Kade!? G-Get it! Get it now!" 

"Relax, Val." He called out, I shook my head. 

"Are you fucking kiddi-!" I screamed at the ceiling when the pain came back, pulling my legs up. Kade cursed out-loud and now yelled for Alex, sucking a breath in and crying softly. I clamped my eyes shut, clapping my hand over my mouth. Whatever was going on, it was spreading and fast. "Kade, I can feel it near my--." I gritted my teeth, rolling over and groaning. 

"What? Near where? Valerie, finish your damn sentence." 

I hiccuped a few times, screaming it when it was near my spine; growing cold. "Jesus Chris, get it now Kade!" I reopened my eyes, being somewhere else now. I was standing in the middle of a forest, the birds chirping and bugs buzzing all around me. I swallowed, snapping back with my memory. My side, I gasped, ripping my shirt up and seeing nothing was there. I huffed, dropping my shirt and glanced around. "I'm going insane." I whispered, hearing something behind me. I slowly turned around, taken back from the sight. It was Kade's sinstuck blade first into the mossy looking ground. Taking a step, my foot scuffed it as if it was stone. I glanced down, slowly crouching down and brushed it. "It is stone." I slowly glanced up to Sin still there. Where was that guy though? I gulped, slowly standing back up, cautiously moving towards it and scanning everything for movement. Closer I got, the louder there was a whisper but no matter I couldn't find the source yet it was like it was in my ear right behind me. "I'm defiantly going insane." I huffed, standing just before it. I have to be dreaming. I have to be dreaming...I have to be dreaming. I glanced down to my hands, trembling yet they still hovered closer to it.   What would happen if I did touch it? What would happen if I didn't? I gulped air down, grabbing it. Silence crept around me, waiting for something to happen but nothing. After another minute, my tension relaxed, sighing heavy and pulling it out. It was lighter than it looked, looking it over. The more I looked at it, it looked different. There was a 90 degree bent blade on the each end, shifting it on my hands and scanned over the engravings. "What is this?" I grimaced, suddenly hearing voices shouting and yelling. I jolted, pulling my hands to my side; hearing a faint pop. In horror, I snapped down to the stick in now two pieces; a white rope connecting it. "What the hell?" I huffed, glancing up when it got louder. Someone suddenly grabbed me by my shoulder, pulling me back with intense force. Grunting, My head fall forward, dwelling through a gust of wind. Was this another past trick of somesort from Kade? Like I was getting thrown into another wall, I hit something, rolling then fell over. I heard multiple things break, sounding like plates and pots bouncing. 

"What the hell was that?" 

I groaned, my back on fire. I planted my hand on the floor and slowly leaned on my elbow, something falling in front of me. It was the Sin or whatever it was. It clattered to a stop, laying there. I huffed, hearing my name get called. I glanced up to Alex and Kade back gawking back at me, Kade first gawking the stick. "Ris." His eyes flew back on me, "What just happened?" 

"I--I don't know." I glanced back at the stick on the floor, the staff with blades suddenly melting to a fiery red color which made them step back. "Ris?"

Kade shook his head, "This is beyond worse than I thought." 


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