13) Posion

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 "How is it now?" 

There was a soft exhale."...Still the same." Kade grumbled. 

I stood over Alex's shoulder as I stared at the his computer, all we really could was watching that tiny red dot move slowly along the map. I shifted in place, "How is i-." 

"Ask me one more fucking time, Valerie. I swear to God."

I sucked my bottom lip in, exchanging shocked expressions with Alex. He glanced back at his computer, making the map smaller then pulled up another window. "You're close, do you see anything out of the ordinary?" 

A pause came, "Not really." hearing leaves rustle. "Now that's what I call a hidden city." 

"You found it?" I leaned closer. 


"You bet." I smirked, crouching down and eyed the hidden city miles down. "It's a sneak peek but it's my entrance." It was in a underground cave, a few Mayan buildings poking the tips just in sight. I planted my hand on the edge of the cliff and leaned a bit forward to study the big drop off. I leaned back, resting my arm back on my leg and huffed. Now how to get down there exactly? 

"Regretting you didn't bring me now?" Val's voice buzzed in my left ear. 

I rolled my eyes, standing up and let go the branch to clap my hands together. "Ha ha. You're so confident." I rubbed my aching side as I studied more of the edge of the drop off, there had to be some way down without breaking my neck. "You sure this is where is lab  is, Alex?" I grimaced, dropping my hands back to my side. 

"Yes, the coordinates match it." 

"Perfect hiding hole for a ugly bitch." I muttered husky, huffing and went off to the right. "I guess it's sliding all the way down." I stopped, placing my hands on my hips and tilted my head to the side. 

"What's the problem?" 

"The city's underground." I murmured. "I'll send you a pic." I patted my pockets for my phone, cursing under my breath realizing it was back in my bedroom. God forbid Valerie probably went through it, I sighed heavy and stared at it. I haven't done it in a while but worth a try. I winked, shifting my feet when I heard a stick snap. I twisted around, hearing Alex mutter What the hell in my ear piece. 

"He wasn't kidding." Val muttered. "How'd you do that, I though you forgot your phone." 

"I did." I stared at the forest for a couple minutes for any signs of movement but nothing, turning back around. "A little trick I was given. Little energy but it helps." I started to walk down the slope closer to the drop off. "Any ideas?" 

"Any vines?" 

"Tarzan sees no vines around." I slid a little, stopping a couple yards just before hundred foot drop. 

"Alright smartass." Valerie growled. "I'm going to lay down." 

"That sounds real delightful about now." I muttered, hearing bushes shift. Whirling around, my foot twisting too quick; loosing my balance. I flailed my arms out, falling like a man overboard. 


"Kade...Kade?" I spun on my toes, seeing the red dot moved quite fast. "Kade?" Alex repeated, not hearing anything. I walked back over, planting my hand on the desk hard that Alex flinched and went back to gawking at his computer and scowled at Kade to answer. 

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