6)A whole new world

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I woke up like I was hung over. But somehow worse, my head was pounding and there was a ringing in my ears. Fluttering my eyes lids, they rolled around to see the ceiling of my room. I was back in my room. Last time I knew I was in the courtroom. What the hell happened? I rolled onto my back, seeing something move out the corner of my eye. Slowly glancing over, it took me a solid minute before realizing it was Kade's back. He was actually sleeping--or I think he was. His smooth looking back was moving gently as even from here hearing his soft breathing. Wait, he was actually asleep? But what about that stupid stick? I rolled onto my side, reaching out to touch him. Suddenly, his body went into a blur as for blankets got tangled while our limbs did also too. I couldn't even get a scream out when his dark grey eyes were on me, something sharp pressed against my throat. Touching noses, Kade blinked a few times before he stopped his deep growling. Jerking his head back, he exhaled through his flared nostrils but kept a dense stare on me. For once, this guy wasn't grinning and smartass happy.

"Don't. Touch. Me when I'm sleeping." He pulled to what looked like a broken peice of mirror away from my throat, clasping my hand over myself. I gulped, watching him slip off of me. I didn't even realize was he laying on top of me between my legs! He went back to his side, sighing heavy and gently settling the glass on the nightstand and rubbed his hands over his face.

I hesitated. Where the hell did that come from?!"Heavy sleeper?"

"More like light sleeper." He muttered groggily through his hands, running them through his hair and stared dully at the door. Inhaling a breath, he closed his eyes and exhaled long.

"Nightmare?" I whispered, slowly rolling over and pulling the blanket more over me.

"It's not that--just something different. It's like I endure other's nightmares. It's a hefty burden to watch people be so scared."


"You tell me." He deadpanned, giving off a blunt look. I swallowed, glancing down to the comforter before he sighed heavy. "Get ready."

"Why?" I asked again, meeting his irratated look while he stood up in nothing but sweat pants. My girly side instantly drooled at the sight of defined abs and the unique blue ink, hell, he even had those sexy "V" lines(faint but hell, they were still sexy!). He picked up that odd broken piece of glass and tossed it in the air a few times before looking back to me.

"Just do it." He walked off.




"A Smoke shop?" I stopped while Kade's hand was on the door. He rolled his eyes, "You take me from the house when Aiden's pissy to a smoke shop, for what? Weed?"

"Please." He snorted at me, pulling the door open and gestured in. "That was my teen years." I growled faint, slowly walking over at he just stood there with his stupid smirk. He nodded off to inside before I was close enough to smell his cologne, exchanging looks before I stepped in. I didn't know if I was getting a headache or high from the multiple smells, scrunching my nose and glancing around the small hippie looking store. Somewhere in this big eyesore, someone yelled at us Oi! I'll be up in a sec!

"Oh, will ya?!" Kade yelled behind me.

Coming out from a beaded doorway, a guy with a flippy dirty blonde hair came out. Grinning big, he bursted out in laughter and came out more. "You ironic bastard!"

Kade chuckled, grabbing my waist and moved passed me. He walked over and gave the guy a firm handshake before pounding fists, did Kade know someone everywhere he went?! The guy glanced over at me first when I obnoxiously cleared my throat. "Who's the Birdy?" He smirked at Kade who leaned against the glass counter as if it was some boring conversation on the rise.

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