5) She's gone

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"I expected cobwebs and a racecar beds." Kade followed in, big grin plastered to his face.

"Play nice." I grumbled dour, walking over to the bathroom and flicked the light on. "Bathroom, closest's over there." I walked back out, shedding my coat and throwing it on the trunk before the bed. Glancing back at the prick, he was merely quiet and brushed his fingers along my vanity. Still with a smirk on his lips, he huffed then picked his head up. "What?"

"Nothing." He gently shook his head, his bag fall off his shoulder to his side. He moved off to the closet, catching his smile shrink before dissapearing within it. Not a minute later, hearing a knock on the door. I strolled over my bed and plopped down, yelling at whoever to come in. Watching the knob turn, it hesitated before opening; being Rex. He bit his bottom lip, not much of looking at me but his feet.

"Alex has requested you to be at dinner tonight." His eyes slowly look up to me, seeing his left eyes was a plump shiner. I swallowed back my anger, knowing it was Aiden's wrath that made it. I nodded, speaking soft and sending him on his way. Once the door closed, I heard a faint snicker. I shot Kade a glare, seeing it was in nothing but sweat pants and a black wifebeater. Crossing his arms, he leaned into the doorway and grinned big time at me.

"Is that Aiden's jealously or anger over an disobeying an order?"

"Shut up." I sighed, getting up and brushed passed him into the closet. "And don't expect to sleep together in the same bed."

"Like I would sleep with you--I don't want a damn shiner." I threw him a dirty look, shifting through the hangers. Out the corner of my eye, seeing him shake his head and walk out. "Don't worry, I can't sleep anyways."

"Vampires can sleep." I snorted.

"Yeah, well I can't...not without know where my Sin is." Something changed in his tone, making me stop. Man, that stupid stick is really important to him. I walked over to the doorway to atleast peek at him, seeing him staring down at his white kunckled fist and the deep tension in his face. when I placed my hand on the doorway his bright eyes flew up on me.

"Get ready."

"For what?"

"You're coming to dinner too."

"Nobody wants me there." he laughed weakly, turning halfway back to me while gesturing to the door.

"Doesn't matter if they want you there. You know what, I request you being there."

"Isn't it odd--Aidenst little brother wants you there but not himself."

"That's because..." I trailed off, snapping down to my feet. "Just get ready." I walked back into the closet.



"Kade! I didn't know you were here!" Alex gasped, leaping at Kade the minute he came into the kitchen. Aiden didn't seem bit amused with the face someone was happy he was here, eversince we got back he hasn't said a single word to me nor Kade. Yet Kade said to not mind his grumpy moods, it's most likely because it was the arrangement of this whole thing. Someone was "moving in on his second lady.". As much as it sounded nice, it pissed me off. I was no one's second lady wanted to spew out yet I knew that was a lie. Kade chuckled and ruffled up his hair, grinning at him.

"I haven't see you in a long ass time, what's up dude?" They pounded fist, making me roll my eyes and look over at Aiden was intently watching the two. Once summer had came into the room, his eyes were locked on her and so was his brand new smile. I shook my head and walked over to Kade and Alex, grabbing Kade's wrist and luring him out.

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