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*pic there of Josh being even cuter*

You know that feeling you get when you meet someone and you guys just instantly click? Like, you don't even have to know them that well to know that they are like, the best person you will ever meet.

Well, that's how I felt as me, Jenna and Tatum walked through the doors of the hotel. It was pretty dark outside, and it was a little late also. It was around 9:30 and we were all a little tired. Tatum had even fallen asleep on the way back from ice cream.

"Thanks for the ride and everything." I said to Jenna as we started to walk down the hallway to her room.

"No problem, it was fun." She said.

"Sorry if Tatum annoyed you, she can get a little talkative and crazy." I laughed quietly.

"No she was fine. She was fun." She laughed. We had gotten to her room by now.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later." She said as she turned to me.

"Yeah, see you later. Goodnight Jenna."

"Goodnight." She replied and then slipped into her room.

I walked down the hallway to the elevator and pressed the number 2. Jenna was one floor below me, the bottom one, so it wasn't a big trip to walk her to her room. I would have done it even if it was because I felt like I owed her.

I found the room my cousins were in and knocked quietly on the door. I had texted my aunt before we got here to tell her that we were in our way. She opened the door soon after.

"Hey, thanks for taking Tatum out for ice cream, she would have pitched a fit if you hadn't." She whispered and took Tatum from my hands, carful not to wake her.

"No problem, ice cream is always a good idea." I laughed. "Jenna was a big help also, you should think about hiring her as a babysitter." I joked.

"Yeah, you two are cute." She winked.

I sighed. "Yeah, too bad I'm gay." I joked again.

She chuckled. "Well, I'm gonna put Tatum in the bed. I better get some sleep also."

"That opera would have out me to sleep if I wouldn't have talked the whole time." I said.

"Yeah, I wasn't too fond of it either." She agreed.

"Yeah, well I'll let you guys sleep. Goodnight aunt May." I said.

"Goodnight Tyler." She closed the door and I was left with an empty hallway.

I turned to walk to my own room when my phone went off from in my pocket. I pulled it out as I started walking and answered it. I smiled when I saw Josh's name on the screen.


"Hey." I heard Josh say.

"Hey Josh, what's up?" I asked as unlocked the door to my room.

"Nothing, I was just missing you." He sad in a cheeky voice.

I blushed a little. "Aw, how sweet." I said half sarcastically.

He laughed. I love it when he laughs. I can just imagine his face scrunching up and his eyes squinting as he smiles and laughs.

"But really, I just wanted to talk. It's kind of boring without you here." He said sadly.

"Well, but I'll be back soon." I assured him. "I miss you too. I had to go to a boring opera today, but it was okay because I was talking to Jenna the whole time. She's this girl I met this morning." I explained as I kicked off my shoes.

"Oh." He said. I was now laying down comfortably on my bed. "She's not gonna make you straight is she?" He asked accusingly but joking.

I laughed. "No, I'll always be my happy self, don't worry."

"Haha. Hey, that Andy guy that you said was bullying Mark got expelled from school. He and his friend got caught with drugs and when a teacher caught them Andy got mad and punched him."

My eyes widened. "Wow. Who was the teacher?" I asked.

"I don't know, some freshman teacher." He said. "Oh, speaking of freshman..."

"What?" I asked curiously.

"So you know how some of our classmates in music are in other grades?" He asked.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Well, there is this dude named Louis, and he and his boyfriend are doing a project together also." He said.

"Oh that's cool. Who's his boyfriend?" I asked.

"His name is...Harry I think." He said. "Long, curly brown hair. Green eyes. Louis has short brown hair and blue eyes. They are cute together."

"Oh. Are they out?" I asked.

"I think so. It's not a secret that they're gay, but they aren't going around telling everybody." He explained.

"Oh, I see." I said and yawned. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now. I had a long and boring day."

"Okay, I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow after school." He said.

"Yeah. Goodnight Josh." I said, my eyes barely staying open.

"G'night babe." He said, and we hung up. I smiled sleepily at the name 'babe'.

I put my phone on silent and then placed it down on the desk beside the bed and rolled over, not bothering to change. I was too tired and didn't care at the moment. All I wanted to do was sleep, but my mind had different plans.
I woke up with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. It was still dark outside, so I figured it wasn't too far into the night. The clock beside the bed said 4:27.

I sighed and rolled over, hoping to sleep the feeling away, but it didn't go. I eventually got up after around 30 minutes and went to the kitchen area. I got a glass and filled it up with water. The water didn't seem to soothe my stomach so I got a little bit of milk instead.

Milk would always work when I was a child. It also worked tonight, so I finished it up and put my glass in the sink.

I made my way back into my room and climbed into bed again, and this time falling asleep for the whole night.


Hello my friends! I know this isn't a great chapter and it's short but it's been a while since I've updated. I just haven't had time and blah blah blah excuses excuses I know. I'm sorry though and I hope you guys are still enjoying it? Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! I'm serious when I say they make my day, because they really do. Feedback is always appreciated. Well, BYE! :)

Taken By Sleep {Joshler} |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now