Cuddle buddy

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*The fetus Josh and modern Josh edit (not mine) there because..well because it scared me a little*

Tyler's POV

I woke up with a feeling of warmth. I didn't open my eyes because I was too tired for just waking up but I could feel Josh's arm wrapped around me, and the slow rising and falling if his chest. I smiled to my myself and cuddled more into his warm body.

I must have woken him up because his grip tightened and I heard him yawn and snuggle more into the covers and me. I could never get enough of this, I don't even care if I'm not gay. Cuddling with Josh is one of my favorite things. Wait I'm not I? Oh it doesn't even matter.

I heard Josh clear his throat.

"G'mornin Ty." He said in a deep scratchy voice. Wow. That was attractive. Wait no. Ugh whatever. I shook the thoughts away and chuckled at his morning voice.

"Good morning Josh." I said, my eyes still closed. I didn't want to get up. Josh was just too comfortable.

I guess he felt the same way because he didn't move or say anything else after that.

After a few minuets I yawed and extended my arm out to stretch before plopping it back down, but this time I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"You're warm." I said inside his side, where I had cuddled even more into.

He chuckled. "Thanks. Your warm too." He said.

We stayed like that a little longer. Me resting my head on Josh's chest with my arm draped around his stomach while his arm was securely around my shoulders.

I then found myself wondering how we even got to this position. I'm pretty sure we didn't fall asleep like this. Then I remembered.

The cancer. The nightmare. The tears. All of it.

"You hungry?" Josh asked.

"Yeah." I said. I was thankful that he broke me from my thoughts or I would have started crying again.

We went to the kitchen despite my loss of warmth after we got up and fixed some toast with eggs and bacon.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked Josh.

"I don't know. Not really in the mood for anything really." He shrugged.

"Wanna just watch some tv all day and be lazy?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said. And we did just that after we finished breakfast.


Josh's POV

We watched a few episodes of Cake Boss and then some other random things, but I wasn't paying any attention. I was thinking about my cancer.

"What are you thinking about?" Tyler asked me.

"Nothing." I lied. "Just random things I guess." I said and sighed.

"Oh. Okay." He said and turned his focus back to the tv. I tried to forget about it all but it was just too hard. But then we changed the channel to an interview with some famous person but it looked interesting so we decited to keep it there.

"Yeah I had an aunt that just recently died of cancer la-" Tyler quickly changed the channel.

It was too late though. I felt depressed all over again and looked down at the ground.

"Sorry." He mumbled and looked over at me. "Hey, you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Yeah, no it's fine it's just...nothing just a little soon you know. It's fine though don't worry about it." I said trying to convince him.

"Can I do anything to help?" He asked me.

"Tyler it's really fine don't worry about it." I said trying to do a reassuring smile, but my voice cracked and the smile quickly faded as my lip quivered and I felt my throat tighten. My eyes started watering but I wouldn't let myself cry. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it wouldn't go away.

"Josh." Tyler said softly.

That did it. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I buried my face in my hands. I tried breathing slowly to calm down and not cry but I couldn't.

Tyler scooted closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him and cryed for what seemed like forever.

He tryed calming me down my rubbing his arm up and down my back and telling me that it will be okay and not to worry just like I did to him just last night after his nightmare. I sat there crying in his side while we gently rocked back and forth for another couple of minuets and by then I had calmed down a little. I still had tears on my face but they weren't coming as quickly now.

Tyler unwrapped his arm from around me and I sat up and looked at him. He cupped my cheek and wiped a tear from my face with his thumb.

"It's going to be okay Josh." Tyler whispered to me and leaned in, placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled a weak smile and he wrapped me up in a hug.

We watched Disney movies after I had calmed down completely. Tyler still had his arm around me and I was leaning into him. He had his head resting on mine. I silently thanked God for Tyler because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have even the slightest bit of hope.


So that was another short chapter and I'm sorry I think it's just my thing to have short chapters now. Anywhoooo I hope you guys like it so far. 222 reads but I don't think a lot of people made it this far :( . But I know I have at least one reader so that's good. If any of you guys like this please don't forget to vote and comment on what you liked or if you have any ideas for where this should go from here. Love you guys for staying with me this far if I still have any! Stay alive guys ;)

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