Fake You Out

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I was outside of Josh's doorstep. I had just rang the door bell and was patiently waiting on him to open his door.

I didn't tell him that I was coming home today, so I wanted to surprise him.

After a few seconds I was about to try again when the door opened to Josh's mom.

"Oh, hello Mama Dun." I said happily but a little disappointed that it wasn't Josh.

But only for a second because then I heard drums from downstairs.

"Hello Tyler! How was your trip?" She asked politely.

"It was really fun and relaxing. I really don't want to go back to school." I said sadly.

"I understand how hard it would be to want to go back." She laughed. "well come in, come in. It's chilly out here as I know you want to see Josh."

I went in and made my way to the basement where Josh was playing. I paused in the middle of the stairs where he couldn't see me and listened. He was a really good drummer and I loved hearing and watching him play.

He soon stopped though and I heard him put his drum sticks down on the snare and get up from his drum throne. I quietly sneaked back up the stairs and went up to him room where he would most likely be going. I hid behind the door when I got there.

He soon entered the room and closed the door behind him. As soon as the door was closed I let out a 'boo' and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Aah!!" He yelled, then took on a look of relief to replace the scared one. "jeez Tyler you scared the crap out of me!"

I giggled innocently. "Sorry." I went to go hug him but he pulled away.

"Nope." He rejected. "You don't deserve a welcome home hug."

"How about a welcome home kiss?" I said flirtatiously.

"No. You shouldn't have scared me." he said defiantly and went over to his bed and plopped down onto his back with his eyes closed.

I watched him with a small smirk playing on his attractive face and walked over to him. I got on the bed with my legs on either side of his hips, straddling him. He opened his eyes and he gave me a 'what are you doing' look. I ignored him and leaned down, softly kissing his neck.

He inhaled and tilted his head a little to give me a better angle, placing a hand on my hip in the process. I smirked and leaned forward a little, lightly gliding the crotch of my jeans with his.

He gasped and I felt his hand on my hip tighten a little. I had made my trail of kisses up to his jaw line and close to his lips, playfully brushing my lips against his.

He put his free hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in. Our lips just barley touched before I pulled away, getting off of Josh quickly.

"Sorry, but I don't deserve a welcome home kiss." I said mockingly and walk away from his bed towards his door.

Before I could even put my hand on the door knob I heard the bed squeak and a strong hand jerked me around by my shoulder. I saw Josh directly in front of me, but only for a second before he crashed his lips to mine, pushing me against the door.

I melted into his lips, not realizing how much I missed them until now. His hands went to my hips, grasping them strongly but softly. I moaned softly and kissed him deeper and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We pulled back and I let my hands go to his shoulders.

"Did you honestly think I would let you leave without a kiss?" He asked.

"Eh. I would've gotten one anyways." I said cheekily.

He smiled. "Come on, let's go somewhere to eat." He said and grabbed my hand.

"But I just got back." I whined. "Can't we just order tacos or something here and then watch a movie?"

Josh shrugs. "Yeah I guess. It's only 5:30 though."

"Perfect time for dinner." I say.

We end up making tacos ourselves instead of ordering so we ate at around 6:30. By then I was starving and ate two tacos before Josh could even eat one.

"Goodness Ty, did you not have lunch?" Josh gawks.

"Well, I had brunch and a couple of snacks on the way back here." I explain. "I just miss tacos."

Josh just laughs and shakes his head.

We were soon finished and put all of the food up for Josh's mom, who had gone out to the store and wanted us to save her some. After cleaning it all up, we went to the basement to chill for a while.

"Let's see, what can we watch.." Josh said as he flipped through channels on tv. "Oh this is a good show."

"Dude the Walking Dead is awesome." I said and leaned back in my bean bag that I was sitting in.

Not far into the episode my eyes started to get heavy. I tired to keep them open but I couldn't and quit. I decided to rest my eyes for a second.

I guess my second turned into an hour. I was being awoken by Josh telling me my mom has called.

"She wanted to know if you were just going to stay the night. I told her that you were, unless you want to go." He said. I was still half asleep though, so I didn't care to talk.

"Yeah, okay." I snuggled into the bean bag more.

"Tyler, lets just go up to my bed. It can't be comfortable right there." He said.

"You'd be surprised." I replied, not opening my eyes.

He sighed. A few more minutes passed and then I heard the TV go off. Then I felt two arms pick me up bridal style and carry me up the stairs.

Josh's POV:

I carried Tyler up to my room and laid him softly on the bed. He looked so sweet asleep. Or, half asleep really. I climbed into bed with him, carful not to make too much noise. I leaned down and kissed his forehead before laying down next to him, wrapping my arm around is little frame.

"Goodnight Tyler." I whispered, falling asleep next to my amazing boyfriend.


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And OH MY GERSH THE WEDDING!!!! Everything looked SO pretty and everyone looked amazing! I wish I were there. I'm so happy for Tyler and Jenna!! But poor Josh. But hey, I'm a single pringle too *wink wink* ;) lol jk.

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