It's Back

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"What?!" I asked the doctor in disbelief

"Your cancer has come back Josh. I'm sorry. You have a couple of months before we have to put you in a hospital but until then you will have to come in every two weeks. Is there some one I need to contact?" She asked.

I just sat there bewildered with way too many questions running through my head.

Why? How? Didn't I get rid of it already?

" I'm fine." I said slowly.

I walked out of the doctors office and got into my car and sat there for what seemed like forever. Then I broke down.

Tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. I couldn't believe this. It's been years sense The cancer and gone away. Why did it it come back? And how?

I cried all the way home and pulled myself together before I got there. I wasn't going back to school. Not after that news. I would just wait until my mom got home to tell her.

"Hey Josh, I'm home!" I heard my mom yell. I waited until she got into the living room.

"Mom, I need you to sit down." I said and she sat down hesitantly.

"Is everything alright dear?" She asked.

" cancer is back." I said. All it took was looking at my mother to break down crying.

"How? How can this be? They told us all the cancer was gone...they made sure of it!" She said. She pulled me into a hug and stroked my back.

"Honey it's going to be alright. We've gotten through it once we can do it again." She said, though I could hear the doubt in here voice.

"I just don't understand." I said through sobs. "Why? Why did it come back?" I said and cried even more.

"Sshhh. It's okay baby. Just pray and have hope. How long do you have until you have to be put in a hospital?" She asked me after I had calmed down a little.

"About 2 months." I said and wiped the tears from my face. How was I going to tell Tyler?

"I'm gonna go to bed now." I said and got up. Crying wouldn't make this better, and I knew that. I would just have to trust the doctors and hope that the cancer wouldn't be strong. I was lucky last time. I just hope that the luck was still there.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked me.

"No." I said and walked up to my room. I had lost my appetite.


I didn't go to school the next day. I was just depressed. I had cried my sled to sleep and have been crying most of the morning. I didn't feel like talking to anybody. I just wanted to be left alone.

I layed in bed most of the day and then forced myself to eat lunch. Around 3 I got a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and heard the door open.

"Josh?" I heard Tyler say. I felt tears come to my eyes when I heard his voice. I got up and walked towards the door where he was but he had already come into the living room.

He gasped when he saw me. I looked like a wreak and I knew it.

"Josh are okay? You weren't at school today and I wanted to make sure everything was alright." He said looking conserned.

"Tyler I...i need t-to tell you something." I said. He looked really concerned by now.

"What is it Josh?" He said taking a step towards me.

"I...I. ugh." I said and sighed. I could feel my eyes start to water. I looked down an squeezed my eyes shut. "I have cancer Tyler."

He stood there. Speechless. "What?" He said in disbelieve.

"My cancer's back Ty." I said looking up slowly. My eyes had tears in them but I wouldn't let them fall.

"How? I thought it was all gone." He said. I had told him a while ago about my cancer when I was six when we were just getting to know each other.

"I know I know me too." I groaned and sat down on the couch resting my head in my hands. I felt Tyler sit down next to me.

"Josh..." He said. He didn't say anything after that. He couldn't. He was just as shocked as we were.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I couldn't hold in my tears any longer. He just let me sob into his arms.

Tyler's POV

"Stay with me tonight?" Josh asked and looked up at me. I stared into his big brown adorable eyes and couldn't help but smile and adore him.

"Of course." I said to him and hugged him tightly. My eyes had started to water but I knew that I couldn't cry. It would only make it worse for him.

We went to bed shortly after that and I texted my mom to let her know that I was going to be at Josh's house for the night.

We got in the bed and Josh cuddled up to me. I wrapped my arm around him and gently sung to him and stroke his arm until he fell asleep. I fell asleep shortly after.


"I'm sorry Mr.Joseph, but Josh didn't make it." The doctor said to me as he walked out to the waiting room where I was.

I stayed the night but they wouldn't let me stay in the room that Josh was in, so I was in the waiting room.

"What? No! Let me go see him!!" I yelled and started running to Josh's room, but the doctors held me back.

"You can't go see him. He's DEAD Tyler!" They said as they held me back.

I stopped fighting and backed away from them.

"No!" I yelled. "No. Your lieing." I said and stopped yelling. I was full of rage and sadness and emptiness all at once.

I got up and ran to Josh's room. The doctors couldn't hold be back this time.

When I got to his room I burst open the door and stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Josh laying there. Paler than I have ever seen him.

"Josh." I said softly. "Josh!" I screamed louder. I ran over to him and by now I had tears streaming down my face.

"NO!" I yelled, and broke down on the floor.



I heard screams and shot open my eyes. I looked over to see Tyler thrashing next to me.

"No!" He yelled He had tears streaming down his face.

"Tyler." I said trying to wake him. "Tyler!" I said louder, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He stopped thrashing and opened his eyes. They were wide, scared and sad. He was breathing heavy, and looked terrified.

"Josh!" He said and looked relieved. He buried his face into my chest and started to cry. I could feel his chest shaking against mine. I held him close.

"Shh it's okay. I'm here. It's fine Tyler. Don't worry. Everything will be alright." I said softly trying to calm him down.

He calmed down a little and sniffed.

"Josh. Don't leave me." His voice cracked.

"I'm right here Ty. I'm not going anywhere." I told him.

He started to shake again. I frowned at him and held him even tighter.

"I don't want you to die Josh." He whispered.

I frowned at him and kissed the top of his head. I felt a tear come down my cheek.

"Don't worry Tyler... I won't."

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