Dinner with Debbie

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First off, sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I've been extreamly busy lately and haven't had time to write or think. And I've had a bit of a writers block but that's always a problem.


My alarm clock was blaring. I groaned loudly and slammed my hand on the snooze button, but all that did was make it fall off the night stand.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I groaned once more and sat up and searched the floor for it. I saw the red numbers and picked it up, hitting the off button.

I sighed and got out of bed, letting my feet hit the cold wooden floor. I stood up and walked over to my closet, running my face over my hands and rubbing my eyes to wake me up. I stood in front of my closet and clicked on the light, looking at my clothes and deciding what to wear. I ended up choosing a red sweater with jeans and my usual vans.

"Tyler! You up?" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I called back, my voice rough from sleep.

I got dressed and ate and did my hair and walked outside to my car. Just seeing that beautiful new car of mine in the drive way made me smile, despite the cold. I quickly got in the car and turned on the heat. It was cold at first, so I just say there until it warmed up a little, then went to pick up Josh.

I picked him up and we headed off to school.

"Ah, our first day back into a new year." Josh said as we pulled in the parking lot.

"Yeah. I don't want to go in." I groaned.

"Oh come on. I'll be here." He said with a flirty grin.

I smiled at him. "Ugh okay I'll go in." I said and got out if the car, the cold air instantly hitting my face and exposed skin. I shivered, and thought of snow. Snow made me think of that day at the park. When Josh asked me to be his boyfriend. And the kiss. I blushed thinking about it.

We haven't kissed sense then, so I guess we aren't the kissing-all-the-time type of couple, but that's okay. I like our cute little relationship.

We walked up the steps of the school and walked into the nice warm air. We had only taken a few steps when we heard a cheerful voice coming from the crowd of people in the hallways.

"Josh!" I heard the voice say, and then saw Debbie come running up to us.

She went up to Josh and hugged him, not giving him any time to react. She pulled away and looked up at him with a smile. She had to look up because he was taller then she was and she was standing a little close. She also didn't move her head up very high, so her eyes were all cute and innocent looking. I would be lying if I said it wasn't adorable, and I could see why guys would like her, but I couldn't help but feel jelous. I knew that Josh didn't like her that way, but she didn't know that.

"What did you get for Christmas?" She asked, her voice full of cheer.

"Oh, just some socks, a few games, and awesome drum sticks." Josh said and glanced over at me.

I smiled a little.

"Oh cool, what about you Tyler?" She was now on the other side of Josh, and we were all walking down the hall together.

"Oh, just boring old clothes." I said and winked at Josh, who blushed a little.

I smirked, and Debbie just said 'cool' and kept on walking with us. I wondered how, or if Josh would tell her that we were together. I didn't know if he was ready to come out yet.

Heck, I didn't even know if I was ready to come out yet. I still haven't told my mom. I just haven't had the right time to. Josh hasn't told his mom either, and we were both nervous about it.

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