Mama Joseph

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Tyler's POV


I rolled over and hit the snooze button. I really didn't want to get up. It's Monday and I had stayed up late watching Netflix. I groaned and sat up, rubbing my tired eyes. I got dressed slowly and didn't really pay attention to anything I did. I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair and then went down stairs to get something to eat. It was to late to take a shower. I fixed me some toast and put some jelly on it with a glass of milk. I guess I wasn't paying attention again and I ended up spilling the milk on my pants and the bottom of my shirt.

"Crap." I muttered to myself. I jogged up the stairs and changed quickly. I looked over at my clock.

"Great. Now I'm late." I sighed and went down the stairs and grabbed my bookbag and headed out the door.

I got to school and first period had already started. I went up the stairs and down the hall to my first class. As I walked in everybody looked over at me. I just trudged over to my seat and sat down beside Josh.

"Hey dude. You ok? You don't look too hot." He wispered to me as the teacher started talking.

"I was up too late last night and I had a not so good morning." I said in a tired voice and yawned.

"Oh. I missed walking to school with you this morning. I could have gotten lost." He said playfully and smiled.

I just made a small smile and rested my head on my hands and struggled to keep my eyes open the whole class.

Lunch finally came and I didn't even want to eat. I went over to our usual table and layed my head down on it. A few seconds later I heard Josh come and sit down.

I looked up at him. "Do you think they will let me skip the rest of the day?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I don't know. What about music?"

"Ugh. Can you skip with me?" I asked him expecting him to say no.

"Sure." He said.

"Really? Sick." I said and he laughed.

Right before lunch was over we left and headed down to my house. Josh's house keys were in the house and he couldn't get in until his parents came home.

"Um so there's food in the kitchen and I have Mario Kart in my room if you wanna play. I'm gonna take a nap though so just be quiet please."
I said and headed up the stairs.

"K. I'll stay quiet." He said and went to the kitchen.

I went up to my room and plopped down on the bed and was just about to fall asleep when I heard a thump. I opened my eyes and looked over at my tv. Josh had dropped the controller from the top of the tv.

"Sorry." he said apologetically.

"It's fine." I mumbled and rolled over, falling asleep almost instantly.


Josh's POV

"Come on Mario, you can do better than that." I whispered quietly in frustration as I came in 3rd.

I sighed and paused the game to go get something to eat. I looked over at where Tyler was sleeping. He was laying on his back with one arm on his stomach and the other out to the side. His sleeping face was adorable.

I went down stairs and eventually made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after roaming the cabinets for about 5 minuets. As I was finishing up my sandwich I looked over that the clock on the stove and saw that it was
3:22. Tyler had been sleeping for a while and I didn't want him to stay up late again so I went to go wake him up.

Taken By Sleep {Joshler} |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now