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        You born in Bronx well grew up there, but born in yonkers, you moved to LA 6 years ago because of some messed up family things. Your uncle was a drug dealer, and a serial killer, one day he need money so bad that he threatened to kill me, I was an 11 year old girl threatened that I was going to be killed by my own uncle. He told us that if we try to escape NY and live somewhere else he'd find us and kill my whole family. We  ran away to LA and began living a normal life until one day my dad showed up on the news, he was arrested for drug trafficking and murdering 2 men, one of them being my uncle. It's been me and my older brother and my mom up till now. They all work so hard to keep our family stable, so im determined to do well and get a good job to help out too😌😠 (dramatic biography much)


     Here I was, standing outside of my dream university, a big, tall, brick building stood before my eyes, with a sign that read "California State University" I earned a scholarship surprisingly which was the only reason I was accepted to this school. My family had just escaped from a big debt and a scholarship was the only way that would be easier for all of us, studying in high school was really hard, not cause of the homework or anything but because of my bully. During high school I had a bully named Derek, he was a tiktok influencer but quit recently and started to be a youtuber, or that's what every one else said. 

     I pushed on the schools front doors but they didn't budge, I pushed a bit harder but still they didn't move and inch, suddenly a pretty brownskin girl PULLED the door open, I was embarrassed.

girl: first day?

y/n: yeah😅

girl: come with me, you're going to the pp's office yeah?

y/n: the pp?

girl: the principal's office I should say

y/n: oh yeah

     The girl was walking me to the office in an awkward silence so I decided to start a conversation.

y/n: what's your name?

girl: Shay, you?

y/n: im y/n, nice to meet you

girl: yeah same to you girl

    We made it to the principals office so we parted ways. I walked in the ordinary room, there was a bookshelf, an office desk and chair, 3 chairs against the wall, and derek, just a regula-...wait DEREK?! My eyes grew wide in shock, my heart beat picked up, and my breath hitched.

Principal: Y/N!

   My focus turned to the principal who was sitting in her chair, looking at me with beady eyes. She looked like one of those ugly librarians you would see on TV with the skinny glasses on the bridge of her nose.

y/n: y-yes? principal...

Principal: Agatha, Principal Agatha

    I cringed at the name "Agatha" who in their right mind would name their child that? The Principal gave me my schedule and just as I was about to walk out of the room she stopped me.

Principal: Mr. Borgen, please escort to her to her dorm room

     Derek rolled his eyes and gave me a death stare, he looked back at the principal and shook his head.

Derek: no thank you

Principal: YO- fine, y/n, please find your dorm room yourself, i'm sure that getting lost will help you find your way around the school much easier next time.

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