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     I continued up the dorm room staircases and went to the 3rd floor, soon opening the door to my room finding someone I never would have expected to be there, they were scrolling on their phone when their eyes met mine....

y/n: omg im delusional, I thought derek was sleeping in my room

     I burst out laughing, and flopped on my bed. I closed my eyes for a bit then decided to go take a shower. I seemed to be so tired that "Derek" was still sleeping on my annonyms roommates bed. I began to undress to hop in the shower. I walked to the bathroom naked and sat on the toilet to take a quick piss, i didnt wanna pee in the shower. The bathroom door creaked open, and out popped Derek Borgens head.


     I jumped, my whole upper body was exposed to a sleepy derek.

y/n: omg what the actual fuck, ewww get out

     I snatched my towel of the bed and covered myself, I was so confused. I quickly slipped on some clothes that I brought to shower on and left the bathroom to sit on my bed.

Derek: now, what are you doing in my fucking dorm room?

y/n: this is my room, 301, I have a roommate I just do-

I gasped

Derek & y/n: YOU?!

     Sharing a room with my highschool bully is gonna be the mother fucking death of me. We both sat on our bed with our hands on our faces. 

Derek: you know what fine this will be fun, lets make some rules first and boundaries

     I rolled my eyes and nodded.

y/n: first rule, KNOCK if someones in the bathroom

Derek: second rule is that this side of the room must not be touched, this is my side

     Derek pointed to a desk on my side of the room closest to my bed.

y/n: are you serious? yeah no im not doing that, if you're gonna act like this fuck the rules, I can't be moving in this little of a space

Derek: fine fuck the rules, just don't talk to me

y/n: easy enough

     I laid down on my bed and fell asleep 10 minutes after, I was a bit scared to fall asleep though, I mean you never know what Derek will do.


I woke up this morning laying on the floor, my bed was gone and so were my family pictures. 

y/n: fuckin hell

My clothes were still in the drawers and my textbooks were still on my desk so at least I could go to class. I changed into a white cropped tank top and grey sweats with some white af1's and went on my way to my first class.

Teacher: ah I see you all have made it, shall we start the class now?

Students: NO THANKS

Teacher: shut your mouths 

I was writing down some notes for my class when something hit my head, I looked on the floor and saw a crumpled paper ball, I picked it up and began to unfold the paper but just as I was doing so the teacher snatched it out of my hands.

Teacher: well what do we have here?

y/n: it's not mine, someone threw it at me

Teacher: I don't care if its yours 

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