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Bro, literally what the hell was that? His arms were around me and his face legit in front of mine, did he not know of his movements? Bro, what the actual fuck, scary much? I was walking to Shay's dorm running the scene over and over in my head.

y/n: ayeee no way...right?

I start shaking my head trying to dismiss the thought, that didn't seemed to work so maybe hitting it will, a lot of people lose some of their memory when they hit their head right? yeah i'll just do that and see what happens.

I pushed my head side to side with my palms and casually bumped my forehead on the walls, soon reaching Shay's dorm room. I stood at the door and take a big complaining breath, and banged my now bruised face against her door. She soon opened it and gasped.

Shay: girl what happened

She looked at my face, and I laughed, a very laugh at that. I pushed her out of the way and settled down on her bed, i gaze at her ceiling feeling lifeless but then a smirk forms on my face and I shoot up looking at her.

Y/n: soooo whats with you and bronco?

Shay: about that...we kinda ended things, well we never started dating but like we ended our talking process, more like i did, to him there was never really "talking" just, "hoeing"

Y/n: WHAT? girl spin back real quick, what you mean hoeing? my cousin was cheating on bestfran?

She looked down and forced an emotionless smile, and heated I was. Lord did I love my cousin like a brother, I honestly thought he got out of his hoe faze, guess not. 

Y/n: where he at right now? boutta beat this mutha fucka, aint nobody finna play my bae like that period

Shay: preciate it pooh, but it's fine, i been keeping my options open

I stop in my tracks, and let go of the door knob to exit the room, I turn my head and look at the pretty brownskin girl.

Shay: Kobe lookin a lil too fine latley for ya gurl to not eye him

Y/n: Morris? HAHA gurllll, with his lightskin stringbean lookin ass? ohh shi

Shay: Maneee if you don't shut ya trap

Y/n: whatchu gon do baby

I put my hands on my hips waiting for an answer but Shay couldn't think of anything else to say

Y/n: mhmm thats right sit the fuck down miss gorl


I was on my way to the bathroom currently, the halls were rather quiet today with only few students passing by, but as I looked up in front of me I see Derek,and I guess he saw me too considering him jogging over to me.

Derek: hey about yesterday, did something happen? did I make y-

I shook my head fast and moved past him, I hadn't even realized that I had stopped breathing and just seconds later I collapsed, darkness was all I could see.





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