14: Conflict

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Wei Wuxian did not get a chance to talk to Lan Wangji until Wen Chao decided that he would not ask the disciples to repeat the rules most of them had spend the night learning without sleeping, fearing what the Wens would do for punishment if they did not get the rules right. Wei Wuxian had a strong urge to just complaint and make a scene  but was held back by Jiang Cheng. 

Instead, Wen Chao had told them to follow him towards a forested place far away from the Wen palace. Wen Chao had rode a horse, with his mistress in front of him, kissing and fondling him, much to the distaste of the others who were forced to walk. Wen Zhuliu walked beside Wen Chao and kept a close eye to see if anyone was misbehaving. Wei Wuxian saw how the man looked mildly disgusted when he looked at the couple on the horse. Wei Wuxian remembers looking for golden eyes and white robes and caught sight of Lan Wangji towards the end of the procession. Wei Wuxian left Jiang Cheng with Nie Huaisang and went towards Lan Wangji. 

He noticed, much to his dismay and sadness, that Lan Wangji was limping. He was sweating with his effort to walk. "Lan Zhan! You are hurt!" Wei Wuxian said, worry clear in his voice. Lan Wangji looked at him then looked away, as if he was ignoring him. Wei Wuxian decided to burry his hurt and went forward to grab Lan Wangji to a stop. He did so with a wince that made Wei Wuxian a little guilty. Wei Wuxian walked towards Lan Wangji to stand in front of him. He was met with stern, cold eyes. He did not flinch and said with even more serious voice, "Now, you are clearly hurt and even if you refuse to tell me, I am not blind nor heartless. So, I'll give you two options. Either you let me help you and allow me to look at your leg so that I can patch you up, or, I will carry you." 

Silence fell upon them. The group of disciples left the two and moved forward. Wei Wuxian refused to move and let Lan Wangji go until he responded. Lan Wangji stared at him with intense golden eyes that shone with surprise and intrigue, before they hardened into a glare. "Wei Ying , please step aside. I am fine and in no need of your help." Wei Wuxian was having none of it. He stepped forward, though they were nearly the same height, Wei Wuxian felt the need to tower over him. "Lan Wangji, I will carry you." He said. Lan Wangji glared at him harder and then looked away. Wei Wuxian waited. He was going to force Lan Wangji into being carried when Jiang Cheng came, his face like thunder. "You! What the hell are you doing?! Wen Chao has told the  search party to stay near a river and find  a hole on the ground or something." he grumbled, glancing at Lan Wangji who looked unaffected by his glare. Wei Wuxian looked at his brother and said, "Well, he must be trying to find an underground treasure or something. You go ahead, Jiang Cheng, I'll follow with Lan Zhan." He glared at Lan Wangji as he said the last sentence, silently challenging him. Jiang Cheng huffed and went away, not wanting to be in-between whatever that was between them. Wei Wuxian held his stare with Lan Wangji's golden eyes until the boy sighed and went around Wei Wuxian. "Hey! Where are you going?" Wei Wuxian asked as he grabbed Lan Wangji's arm. He glared at Wei Wuxian and said, "To the river" And ripped his arm away and stumbled towards the direction.

Wei Wuxian knew he would not be able to sway Lan Wangji when he was this guarded and  stubborn. He followed Lan Wangji and helped whenever the boy stumbled and needed help. Lan Wangji did not complain and flinch away from his helping hands, too tired to hold an unyielding argument with Wei Wuxian. They reached the river and Wei Wuxian sat Lan Wangji down on a rock and tried to persuade him into showing his leg. "I got a satchel of herbs from Mianmian, it will at least close a wound if you have one." Wei Wuxian insisted but Lan Wangji only refused again, his shoulders tensing at the new name. 

Before Wei Wuxian could bug him more, Jin Zixuan shouted from one of the trees that grew close to the river. He was standing on it's roots and waving his hands. "I found the entrance. It's very deep and cannot be entered through without the help of the swords to fly on!" Wen Chao who had been sitting on the horse grunted and gestured towards Jin Zixuan, "You enter first and see if there's anything wrong" Jin Zixuan glared, "But, I just said-" he was cut off.  "I don't care. Wen Zhuliu force him if you have to." Jin Zixuan's face blanched but his eyes remained hard.   Wei Wuxian watched with bated breath as Jin Zixuan looked around and then breathed deeply before dropping into the void. Wei Wuxian hopped he would not have to break his Shije's heart by saying that her peacock fiancé had died because he was too prideful. 

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the peacock's voice come down from the void. "It's safe here! It's a huge cave and the others can come in using the vines hanging around the entrance." Wen Chao ordered everyone inside the void, as he himself descended last with his mistress on his sword. Wei Wuxian only hoped that he would be able to see the sunlight again, as he squinted trough the darkness of the cave. Wei Wuxian took comfort in the presence of his brother and Lan  Wangji next to him as he watched, wary of his surroundings, Wen Chao ordering around everyone. 

Wei Wuxian missed the sunlight almost immediately as he watched the rocky island on the huge lake like body of water quiver and a huge long neck with a snake like head raise it self up. The Xanwu of slaughter had been awakened. 

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