15: Empathy

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Wei Wuxian was famous for getting into trouble and bringing chaos. The Xuanwu had showed up and Wen Chao went into a flurry of overdramatic actions caused by nerves and his over controlling persona. Wei Wuxian had felt his last nerve tic when Mianmian was under asult by Wen Chao's mistress. He had ran his mouth, ignoring Jiang Cheng's scowling face which hid his scared eyes. Which resulted in the Wens all fleeing the scene, leaving the rest of them trapped under ground in a cave with a half snake- half turtle monster, the Xuanwu of slaughter. Wei Wuxian remembers the Xuanwu finally losing her appetite by eating a few Wens who had tried to fight it, leaving them to cower behind the rocky wall through which the giant snake head would not reach them. Wei Wuxian had listened to Lan Wangji's musings about an exit and let Jiang Cheng find it under the murky waters. He remembers, through he adrenaline and fear induced haze, the people leaving them in threes and fours. Wei Wuxian vaguely recalls feeling the terror that had passed through his entire being when the Xuanwu had emerged from it's sleep, the pain that lanced through his arm when a cowardly Lan disciple shot him, the weird endeared feeling that was so out of place in that situation, when he saw Lan Wangji's face fill with anger. He vaguely remembers, one event transitioning into the other in a dizzying pace that was both slow and fast, him and Lan Wangji trapped from escaping the underground cave because that damn Xuanwu had trashed around. He remembers the fear and anger at seeing Lan Wangji's mangled leg, wounds in the width of the Xuanwu's teeth.  The final burst of energy brought upon by the desperation and adrenaline had compelled him to pick Lan Wangji and run for the safety of rocks. 

Lan Wangji had fussed with being treated until Wei Wuxian forcefully applied the herbs on his wounds. The pain and flickering heart when Lan Wangji's golden eyes had flickered to his bare chest with the fresh brand burned into his flesh and he had scrapped a few herbs and put them on it, stayed with him in his half dead mind. Wei Wuxian had sat with Lan Wangji in front of their make shift flames, the warmth drying their robes and warming their bodies. Wei Wuxian, in his half delirious mind  had laid down, finally feeling exhaustion finally catching up to him  and the adrenaline seeping out of his blood to let in the excruciating pain from his new wounds, and had jokingly requested Lan Wangji to give a thigh to lay his pounding head on and a lullaby to rest with. Of course Lan Wangji had rejected his request, but Wei Wuxian did not mind, not that he could process much what with him already half asleep and all. But, Wei Wuxian did have the nicest dream. He had dreamt of Lan Wangji actually complying to his wishes. He had actually laid Wei Wuxian's head on his thigh, his fingers stroking thought the former's hair, a sweet lullaby falling from his lips in that rich deep voice. Wei Wuxian had slept with a smile. 

When Wei Wuxian woke up, he was on the ground , his back ached with the uneven surface digging into his spine, his mind was slow in registering the surroundings. But when it did, Wei Wuxian gasped in surprise. Lan Wangji was dragging his hurt leg and collecting what seemed to be the bows and arrows left by the Wens before they fled. Wei Wuxian wasted no time in dragging Lan Wangji back to the fire and sitting him down, nagging him all the way. "Lan Zhan! Don't be so reckless! you need to be healed to even attempt escape, so just stay still and let me do all the moving and you just stay put and help me think up a plan." Wei Wuxian rants, standing in front of Lan Wangji who looks up at him with a tiny frown and shuttered eyes. They glare at each other until Wei Wuxian sighs and sits down next to his companion. "I swear even Jiang Cheng would be a better company than you! at least he'd talk." Wei Wuxian grumbles, Lan Wangji only continues to stare at him as if Wei Wuxian was of some great annoyance. Wei Wuxian continues talking, "And what are you even walking around trying to collect all these bows and arrows? It's already proved that the Xuanwu cannot be harmed with them. So why even try? Most probably we would just sit here and rot or pray that the others will find help. Gusu would be the closest to us. Lan Zhan, do-" Wei Wuxian did not finish, for he gave an inhumane screech and flew far away from Lan Wangji who had bitten him. Yes, Lan Wangji, the second jade of Lan, the epitome of discipline and Wei Wuxian's crush had bitten him. On his arm. 

"Lan Zhan! Why would you do that?!" Wei Wuxian yelled from his place huddled against a boulder as he clutched his bitten (!) arm close to his body. He was still reeling from the fact Lan Zhan had even bit him but the utter disdain, irritation and guilt warring in those golden eyes was confirmation enough. Wei Wuxian pouted as he yelled, voice filled with disdain, "How could you do this to poor me?!" Lan Wangji put his hands around his head, holding it. "Will you just please stop talking, Wei Ying?" he said, Wei Wuxian had to strain to hear it. He neared the slumped figure of Lan Wangji, slowly and gingerly, not wanting to get bitten again because Lan Wangji seemed to be in a violent mood. "How can I stay quite? I've got a mouth and I use it for what it should be used for, talking!" Wei Wuxian says, situating himself next to Lan Wangji where he had originally been. 

Lan Wangji looked up his eyes hard and glared at Wei Wuxian, "Shut up" Wei Wuxian gaped at the crude language, well.. crude for a Lan. He grinned, "But, Lan Zhan! I can't help it!" he whined. Lan Wangji looked at him with intense eyes, that seemed to shine with emotions as the fire shone into them. Wei Wuxian felt his mouth go dry. Lan Wangji sat up straight, his leaned forward. Wei Wuxian leaned back thinking he was going to get bitten again but froze when he saw Lan Wangji's eyes fill with tears and watched with worry as they fell, leaving gleaming trails of water on Lan Wangji's pale skin. "Lan Zhan" Wei Wuxian said, his voice soft and caring, "You're crying. Are you alright?" Lan Wangji's eyes widened as if he had not realised he was crying. Wei Wuxian watched him lean back and rest his head on the stone wall behind him, clenching his eyes shut, a few tears escaped as Lan Wangji spoke, "The Wens burned down the Cloud Recesses" Wei Wuxian listened with increasing horror and anger as Lan Wangji relayed how Wen Xu had burnt down his home, and how he'd broken Lan Wangji's leg when he prevented them from torching the Library pavilion. He told Wei Wuxian about his brother fleeing to God knows where with the most sacred texts and his father's increasingly worsening health. Lan Wangji was frustrated at being stuck here without having any knowledge about where and how his brother was and the happenings at home. 

Wei Wuxian wanted to comfort him, to hug him, to do anything other than sit there without words to console and actions to comfort. Lan Wangji continued crying his silent tears as Wei Wuxian sat with a conflicted mind and heart. "Wei Ying" at his name, Wei Wuxian looks up and into Lan Wangji's intense golden eyes which swam in unshed tears. "I am sorry for biting you." Wei Wuxian laughs, endeared by the boy, "Don't worry about Lan Zhan! It already in the past." Wei Wuxian looks away from Lan Wangji and towards the entrance that separated the pool of water and from the Xuanwu. He felt his breath catch when he felt a head settle on his shoulder and he quickly put his gaze towards there. 

Lan Wangji had fallen asleep. His head resting heavily on Wei Wuxian's shoulder as his breath fanned over Wei Wuxian's naked chest sending chills through the boy, "Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian whispered, but Lan Wangji was dead to the world. Wei Wuxian rested against the stone wall and adjusted Lan Wangji better against him. He smiled at the absurdity of their situation but he was glad that Lan Wangji was there with him. To share his warmth and company. Wei Wuxian willed his own racing heart and mind to rest and hope for the best rest he could get with Lan Wangji passed out against him, his warmth sending his nerves into an over sensitive drive. 

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