Chapter 28: Ten Reasons

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Good luck.

//Tw: suicide mentions, suicidal intentions, Highly Emotional Chapter\\

Frank's POV

I couldn't find him. Where is he? I searched the whole house. The park, the school, the cafe. He's nowhere to be found. I've been keeping calm as best I can, but now I'm about to freak the fuck out. Once Donald hung up, Gerard just sat there, paralyzed. I held him close and tight for a while before I had to use the bathroom.

I really didn't wanna leave him but my dick was gonna fucking explode if I didn't do something and I really didn't want to drag Gerard to the bathroom with me.

But once I came back, he was gone.

I was about to give up and collapse on the sidewalk, then a realization hit me: the apartment. He has to be there, he just has to be. Gerard and I went over there practically everyday to see Elena. Where else could he be?

But once I got there, he wasn't. I tried calling him again but his phone was on the couch... along with a note.

"Whoever finds this, it's too late. I'm done. Too much shit has happened, I'm just so fucking done.

Frank- thank you for being the best boyfriend ever. I know I promised, but I can't anymore. I love you baby <3 Stay strong, I'll miss you.

Mikey- don't let school get you down. You're the best brother ever. Take care of Frank and Dad for me.

Dad- I'm proud of you for getting better, you're amazing. Make up for lost time with Mikey, that's something I hope you do when I'm gone.

Everyone else, so long.


I broke down and fell to my knees, sobbing. He wasn't here. What if I'm too late? What if I don't find him? I let out a harsh yell mixed with a sob, and then my phone rang.

It's Mikey.

"H-hello?" I answered hoarsely.

"Frank? Have you found him? Where are you?" he asked frantically. "I'm at Elena's apartment. He's not here." I said.


"M-Mikey- I found a note." I whimpered. "The roof, go check the fucking roof, there are stairs on the top floor, Dad and I are on our way just get to the fucking roof." he ordered.

I weakly agreed and hung up, slowly getting to my feet when there's a timid knock at the door. I opened it while aggressively wiping my face. "Frank? What's going on? Is everything okay?" It was one of the neighbors, Chelsea. She's a relatively nice girl, Elena was very fond of her.

"I gotta go... I- I'll try and... I can't explain right now. But I need to get to the roof." I said. Chelsea grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. "Here." she said, opening a door and letting me through. I didn't say a word, I just ran outside.

There he was, sitting on the edge. "G-gerard." I whispered out, trying to take a few steps but failing, quiet sobs falling from my lips.

His head snapped back towards me. "Frank... You shouldn't be here, and you need to leave." he spoke quietly. I shook my head vigorously. "No. I'm not leaving until you and I walk down those stairs." I shakily stated.

"No, the only way I'm leaving is off this edge. Nothing is stopping me." Gerard yelled.

It was getting difficult to breathe. I wrapped my arms around my sides and cried loudly. Gerard seemed frozen as he stared back at me.

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