Chapter 17: Welcome Home

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Pete's POV:

Oh god

Oh god

Oh god

Oh god

I'm meeting my boyfriend's- possibly- homophobic Dad

Oh my god

Mikey's trying his best to keep me calm as him, myself, Gerard and Frank are in Gerard's room hanging out. Elena took Mr. Way out for a while so we have time to get ready.

"Babe, come on. It's gonna be fine. What's not to like about you? You're amazing." Mikey said as I continued to practically hyperventilate.

"B-but what if-" I started, but Frank threw a pillow at me just to shut me up.

"Thanks, Frank." I said. He shrugged and turned back to the game he and Gerard were playing on the TV.

Once I finally calmed down, Mikey and I joined the game.

It'll be okay, right?

Frank's POV:

Am I nervous about meeting Donald again?

Not really

Am I nervous about being introduced as his son's boyfriend?

No- I'm fucking terrified.

Honestly, what if he doesn't like it? He barely knows me.

And what about Mikey and Pete? Pete's already fucking panicking too. "B-but what if-" he tried to say. I paused the game Gerard and I were playing and threw a pillow at Pete so he would shut up.

He turned to me. "Thanks, Frank." I just shrugged and went back to playing the game.

Eventually, Pete calmed down so him and Mikey joined the game.

Gerard's POV:

I'm honestly not too worried about today, I mean sure: it's scary, but I feel pretty good about it. If what grandma said is true, then it'll be okay.

I can't wait!

Frank threw a pillow at a panicked Pete as Mikey tried to calm his boyfriend down.

We're a weird group of friends...

Mikey's POV:

Normally I don't get nervous when introducing new friends, but now I'm introducing my boyfriend to my Dad.

He probably thinks I'm straight!

Yeah I'm definitely not, so I'm both coming out to him, having him meet my boyfriend, and he's meeting my brother's boyfriend as well.

Damn this is an eventful day...

Donald's POV:

It's been nearly a month since I've last seen my son's. Honestly, I can't wait to see them, and I really do feel a lot better now.

Elena says there have been some changes to their lives while I was away, and to be honest, that worries me.

She's the only one of them that's been visiting me. And she keeps asking me questions like, "Do you think you're ready for big changes?" and saying things like "Yes, Gerard and that Frank kid have gotten very close lately."

I don't know if that means anything, and I have nothing against Frank- he seems like a nice guy. Besides, my goal is to get better and have a better life for my family, right? A few changes won't hurt to make that possible.

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