5. face off

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After I hurriedly got away from the questioning first years I sighed making my way towards the bathroom.

I put my head in my hands remembering the way he looked at me like I was the most interesting thing he had ever seen. Man, what a bad impression I made and it's all Ryou-senpai's fault!

"Ughh!" I yelled in my hand splashing water on my face.

I decided to make my way over to Inashiro where they were having a match against some college baseball team and I saw Mei warming up while talking to his catcher.

I went to sit by the stands where the alumni's were sitting and there happened to be a lot of them today making me think this college was a big league are something.

I sat at the front so I would be able to see and placed my bag in my lap getting comfortable.

When they started the game I focused on watching his hand moments and where the ball would go, I took out my ball and did the motion with my hand but not fully and It felt more uncomfortable than my other grips but it's not like I was trying to copy his style I just wanted to see if I could get some tips to improve myself before the upcoming game with my teammates in 2 months.

I put the ball back inside my bag and took out my drink to enjoy the rest of the game. After the game which was won by the big league college team with 10/7, Inashiro wasn't down because they knew they had a lot of things to improve on if they wanted to win at nationals.

I saw someone on the team pointing at me and saying something and then Mei and two other people came to me I dont remember their names but one had red hair and was a little short.. yeah, Shirakawa, the one I accidentally hit during a game I don't think I'll ever forget his name and Carlos, the dark one who runs really fast.

"Hey! Kid with the blue hoodie!" Mei called out for me and I automatically turned my face stunned.

"Yes?" I asked as they got nearer.

"Are you a spy are something? Are you from Seido? Did Miyuki bring you here?" he questioned more and I just looked down and sigh.

What is it with people thinking I'm a spy from other schools I thought I looked like a country bumpkin.

"I'm in my last year of Junior High I just came to look at your school." I took up my things not wanting to be questioned anymore by him.

"Hey, where are you going we are talking to you you know?" The boy with the dark skin complexion said intimidatingly. "My name's Carlos and this short one here is Mei and the one next to him is Shirakawa."

"What is a kid like yourself doing here anyway? Are you planning on coming to this school for baseball? I mean you were watching the game very closely." Mei said getting more intimidating by the second.

"I just wanted to watch some baseball that's all," I said which was a half lie.

I didn't really come to see them but it's okay I guess that they're doing well.

"Since you came here to watch a baseball game why dont you play with us for a while?"

"Mei we can't." Shirakawa said butting in.

"C'mon, I just wanna see what he can do." Mei said smirking a bit "Do you really think he could strike you out? Im just gonna test him."

This boy is up to no good.

"Umm... I think it's rather time for me to go back to my friends." I said taking out my pitcher's mitt. "But I dont mind pitching a few balls," I said darkly smirking getting excited that I get to pitch to a team that always goes to nationals. It would feel good to win against them with Seido.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Mei said running off to ask his catcher to catch for me.

Shirakawa looked at me giving me a hard glare that basically says he's gonna crush me.

And if he did boohoo good for him but If he didn't his pride would be broken for a while the same way he did me in that match. Think about it. A proud first year that got in the first sting lineup on first tryouts to be crushed by an amature first-year. Pft, that would be fun. I smirked darkly.

It's my time to get revenge for what I had to go through in my first year- not saying it didn't make me stronger. Basically, I'm just doing him a favor let's just hope the butterfly effect is not too catastrophic for my end.

"I'm ready when you're ready."

- 🂡 🂱 🃁 🃑 - 

I gonna go to sleep now. I'll post the others In a few hours. ~xy

[ 842 words ]

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