6. caught...?

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I made my way to the field warming up looking at my phone after it started ringing. I answered it seeing that Wakana was calling.

"Hey Wakana, what's up?"

"Eijun, Where did you go? You missed the whole match!"

"Um- I ah-"

"It doesn't matter. We're waiting on you so just hurry up and come so we can go home" She said hanging up the phone.

"But Hey-" I said back but got no response but a beep. "So much for getting revenge." I mumbled kicking a small rock.

"Hey kid! Are you ready?" Mei shouted running towards me but was confused seeing me grab my bag.

"I'm sorry but it seems that we are gonna have to cancel our little appointment!" I said scratching my neck a bit.

"C'mon I made Harada get ready, and that took a lot of convincing."

"Im sorry Mei-Senpai but my friends just called." I said quickly grabbing my bag running off looking at the time on my phone and I realized the afternoon had passed.

"But I didn't get your name-" Mei shouted at me but I was busy running to hear. "Next time I guess?" he said with a face looking like he's been rejected by his crush.

I went back to Seido's baseball field seeing Wakana and the others. Seido was having their usual after-match cool down as it was 5:30 pm and practice ends at six.

"Eijun where were you?!" Wakana's Dad asked running towards me. "You were gone all game. Were the boys really that scary?"

"Umm... yes?" I questioned not really sure what to say myself. He sighed. "I kind of got lost but then remembered the map my mom gave me that I put in my back pocket so I used it to direct me back here." 

That was the biggest lie I've ever told since I came back here. Firstly, I knew these parts like the back of my hand and secondly, the map was in my bag that I left on the bleachers when I was running away. He didn't look like he believed me but he shrugged it off handing me my bag announcing that we were going home. I sighed in relief but I still knew that he was gonna tell my mom about this later.

- 🃁 - 

"I'm home." I said quickly taking off my shoes and going inside. "What's going on?" seeing everyone crowded at the table with my teacher.

Okay, now this is not right... what's happening?

"Eijun sit down." My grandpa commanded boinking me in the head.

And he did this for what?!

I sat down rubbing my head seeing all my test papers sprawled out on the table and my erased answers were noticeable.

Oh, I know what I did. Hear me out. When I realized I got a chance to relive my past again I wanted to improve myself and work on the things I had problems with or was too lazy to do.

I never intend to stick out as much and be as loud as I was before because even though knowing Miyuki and the others are still safe now I always think that im gonna lose them somehow. That's why I've wanted to hurry up and get to Seido and if I don't get scouted I can do the exams.

If I don't get one I have the other. See what I mean?

Anyway, cutting to the chase since I didn't want to stand out that much so I put in the correct answers then after I finished I erased some of them to make me get an average score. So she must have noticed me doing that during test time knowing that if she talked to me about it I would've found a new way to do it.

First of all, I know they would be shocked. I mean they were proud when I started to get good grades and took school seriously but I don't believe that they would think that I would go from barely knowing my timetables and getting 60% to getting 90% and above.

"Now that your son is here I'd like to talk to you about his test scores." My teacher Ms. Tanner said.

"Is he getting bad scores again?" my Grandpa questioned "I knew that it was too good to be true."

Seeing his hand coming for my head I quickly grabbed it the second it almost landed but he used his other hand.

"Your son has been erasing the right answers after he finishes his tests and putting in the wrong answers." Ms. Tanner showed them the papers .

"Ms. Tanner it's just that I-"

"Was doubting your choices? Yes, it could be that but to do it multiple times on each test. Do you think I was born yesterday?" She gave me a firm look.

"No ma'am." I answered back looking down feeling my parent's eyes on me.

"Is this true Eijun? Why would you do that?" My mom questioned giving me a confused look.

"As long as he gets good grades I'm fine." My father said.

I wanted to laugh but this was a 'so-called' serious matter to them.

"I just didn't want to stand out." I said looking up "What would you think of a kid who suddenly got his grade up to the 90s that was barely able to reach the pass mark of 60%? They would've thought that-"

"You cheated. I know." Ms. Tanner said finishing off my sentence, "But it would've been better for you to show your true abilities than locking it in. Isn't that what schools are made for? And plus if anybody is giving you any problems just let me know and we'll find a way to solve it."

Easier said than done but sure I guess.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I won't do it again," I answered giving her a small smile and looking around the table. My teacher then started to converse with my parents about something about me I wasn't really listening though.

I took my plate from the table after my mom shared it and we said our grace. When I was finished I excused myself leaving my family and teacher at the table. I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:00 pm I showered and was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I touch my soft bed in my pj's.

- 🂡 🂱 🃁 🃑 -

fufu. eijun #1 liar.

[ 1088 words ]

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