2. the past is the present

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Sawamura's body woke up to be in his home back in Nagano confused and shocked.

'Aren't I supposed to be dead? I know for a fact that a truck hit me after I tried to save Chris and Miyuki senpai... What's happening?!'

He sighed in confusion checking his body for any injuries that the truck caused.

"Wait a minute." He said running to the bathroom mirror after not seeing any injuries or blood the only thing that confirms that he was in an accident was the pounding headache he was getting.

"Isn't this my middle school body?" Sawamura said, "Wait- what date is it?"

He was cut off by his grandfather breaking through his bedroom door and calling his name.

"Eijun wake up you bastard it's time for school!" His grandfather was confused not seeing his grandson in his bed because he usually didn't wake up this early.

"I'm in here!" Eijun said shouting from the bathroom and coming out. He received a boink in his head. "Ow! What was that for?"

His Grandfather boinked him again and mumbled something about kids nowadays talking back.

Eijun got dressed in his school uniform going downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Eijun." His mother said putting down breakfast on the table "You usually don't wake up so early I'm surprised your grandfather didn't hit you so much today." She said laughing and I smiled.

'It's been a while since I've been home because I've always been at Seido and to be honest sometimes I get a little homesick so it's good to be back home because I really did miss my family but not my grandpa's occasional slaps.' Eijun thought picking up his bread.

While eating his breakfast he looked at the calendar and realized it was the day of his last year in junior high.

'This time I'll surely make it to nationals with my junior high team!' He thought while walking to school.

He was a little shocked about the 'time travel' situation he was in but realized he couldn't do anything about it. All he knows is that he was given another chance to live, and he will be taking that chance to achieve the things he wanted before he went to high school.

He entered his Junior high and smiled walking into the school making his way up to his class. Growing up Eijun was a troublemaker, and he wouldn't say that that changed but due to still having the memories from his second-year body he's more mature knowing when to do things at the right time.

He went and said good morning to his friends starting up a conversation with them. When class was starting, he made his way to his seat and during his class time he started working on a training menu for his team while also writing down his own from what Chris senpai gave him to do in his second year.

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Some months passed and they noticed how different the boy became after the first day of school. Yes, he was his normal self, but he seemed less loud and more mature, not making useless comments about the things he used to love or hate talking about.

"Eijun." The boy jumped slightly looking over to the girl who called his name.


"Practice is over, what are you doing?"

"Oh! Thanks Wakana." he said getting up scratching his head.

"It's cool but what were you thinking about."

"Oh! Nothing in particular just thinking if I could find some good handgrips for our matches" The boy half lied thinking to himself that he was getting good at lying.

"Alright then, but don't overwork yourself because we need our captains' arms to win our upcoming matches."

The boy was surprised to hear her being so motivated.

"What? You think we're gonna lose with all that training you're giving us?!"

"No! Definitely not! We worked and are still working hard so we have a good chance this year." The boy said smiling.

"That's what I want to hear from our Ace," Wakana stated smiling widely. "Oh by the way, My father gave me two extra tickets for a high school baseball match in Tokyo. Wanna come? Nobu has the other ticket."

His eyes perked up at the word baseball "Who's playing?"

"It's the finals between Seido High and-"

"Yes!" Wakana laughed not really shocked at the boy's fast reply. "Oh wait I have to ask my parents first!"

"Okay," she chuckled, "It's Saturday at eight so don't forget okay!" She smiled at him running up to catch up with the rest of their friends and Eijun followed a second after.

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the amount of time I wrote the word 'nationals' in this book is very concerning.

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