14. tire-chan~

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"Tire-chan! I missed you so much~" I exclaimed running to my bestfriend. "Gosh why are so heavy! Did you gain a few pounds or am I just weak." I said picking up the tire.

I haven't done much running with the tire since I came to back and now is the perfect time to use it cause Boss is having us first years do some running.

Tire-chan had always been my bestfriend and was always there for me through thick and thin. When I was going through my yips it helped me to release stress while making me stronger.

You know, giving me muscles and all.

I hugged it tightly smiling then putting the cord over my waist and start running. When I looked in the mirror this morning there were bags underneath my eyes, well thats the result of not getting enough sleep.

I realised I been way too in the dumps lately and I figered I should try acting like my past self. Well not that much I'm just talking about having the positive mindset and since I don't want to look like trash every single day I figered it was time for a change.

The run was kinda relaxing cause I was spacing out but I quickly stopped seeing someone in the way. Phew that was close, I continued running just to crash into another person.

Really?! Am I not suppose to have good days at all?

I fell hard on my butt and I look up to see Chris-senpai staring at me. I couldnt tell what he was thinking though

"I'm sorry Chris-senpai." I said getting up after dusting my clothes

"You know me?" He asked with a sligthly raised eyebrow.

"Um.. yeah I heard about you from my Senpai's and um that you were a great catcher too." I said making up something on the spot, "My name's Sawamura Eijun, nice to meet you."

"Oh your that first year who stroke out Azuma. I see." He said looking me up and down

"Senpai, can I ask you a question?" He nodded "Is there a reason why you didn't let go of baseball?"


"I heard about your injury and was wondering to myself, why would you still want to play in the same sport that gave you that injury and caused you pain? because you love it right?" He looked fully confused now but I continued rambling.

"Even though knowing you might not be able to play baseball in highschool you know you could still do it after highschool when your fully healed, and I'm sure by that time you'll be happy again but that doesn't mean you cant be happy watching baseball too. Just trust the process cause I'm sure it's gonna be worth it. Ive always wanted to form a battery with you because I always admire your way of catching, but I guess time will tell, anyways Ill be finishing my runs before Boss makes me do more!" I said running off after finishing my ramble.


Chris looked back at the pitcher with wide eyes. His father was always telling him to quit the team but he still stayed, before he couldnt answer why but when Sawamura asked him that question on why he stayed he realised that it was because he couldnt let go of baseball and the team.

Afrer Sawamura finished running he sat down and wiped his sweat.

"Here." Miyuki said, shoving a water bottle at him.

"Thanks, I guess." He answered, opening the bottle then drinking it.

"Have you been getting sleep?" He asked me and Sawamura looked him with an expressiin saying 'how did you know that?' "Its the eye bags."

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