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"We are giving him all of it?" Emily asked the next day in school when they were discussing meeting up with Jonah again, "Two thousand dollars is a lot of money

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"We are giving him all of it?" Emily asked the next day in school when they were discussing meeting up with Jonah again, "Two thousand dollars is a lot of money."

"Emily, if he can finally tell me who A is, I would hand over a million," Spencer told them.

"Yeah, and not ask for change," Aria agreed.

"How do we know he won't rip us off?" Isabella asked, "It's not like we could go to court and claim that he broke out agreement."

"How did you get the money so fast?" Emily wondered.

"What?" Spencer said looking through her locker to avoid everyone's eyes, "I have a relative."

"A relative you say?" Isabella narrowed her eyes in suspicion but Spencer sent her a pleading look in return so she dropped it for the moment.

"What time did Jonah say to meet him?" Emily asked.

"Six," Isabella explained, "But I feel like I have to clarify that not all of us are going. It's just gonna be me and Spencer. So I guess we will meet up with you afterwards."

"Why just you two?" Hanna asked and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Because I'm a familiar face and she is my bank," Isabella explained, "If we go in with the entire Scooby gang he is gonna think something is up."

"Something is up," Emily said, "We are finally gonna find out who has been torturing us since Ali's funeral, and, hello I kind of wanna be there for that."

"Firstly, you don't have to shout, I can hear you," Isabella gave her a pointed look, "Secondly, if you want to be there so badly, you will have to hide in the bushes."

"Hey, ladies," Mona interrupted them and they greeted her with a quick 'hey.' "Okay, hey, Hanna, can I borrow you for a sec?"

Hanna nodded and walked away with Mona and soon the rest of the girls split up too. Spencer and Isabella started to walk to their Russian History when the Isabella decided to circle back to the source of the money.

"So, a relative, huh?" Isabella said, "Anyone I know?"

"Izzy, I-"

"Why did you have to drag Jason into this?" Isabella asked, "Even more than he already is. Now thinks are going to be even more awkward."

"You didn't ask for the money, I did," Spencer reasoned, "and I will pay him back."

"Yeah, but while he isn't drilling you for answers, he is going to ask me," Isabella said, "and I can't lie to him."

"Can't you just avoid him for a while?" Spencer tried to help her.

"No, because he is coming over to my house after school today to meet Jaime," Isabella whispered, "And I'm freaking out!"

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