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Isabella wasn't too surprised when it turned out that the blood on the anklet didn't match Garrett's

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Isabella wasn't too surprised when it turned out that the blood on the anklet didn't match Garrett's. After all, why would their lives ever be easy? Instead it turned out that the blood matched Hanna'a blood type and that morning Detective Wilden had made an appearance at the Marin House.

"That's why A wants Garrett out of jail," Hanna complained, "So I can take his place."

"Okay, don't go there," Emily told her.

"It's already past there, Emily," Hanna snapped, "He knows about the more, he caught me, and it's my blood type."

"You along with seven percent of the world's population," Isabella tried to comfort her, "Which I now realise might not be a lot. But that irrelevant because you didn't kill anybody."

"Wilden said that Ali's family has been slamming him," Hanna told them, "Have either of you talked to Jason?"

"No, I can't even look him in the eye," Spencer said.

"And for once he is the one who is avoiding me," Isabella sighed, "But we are going to talk to him today."

"Han, okay, don't worry," Emily offered some comfort, "There is nothing my they can do until your mom gets back tomorrow."

"So what, I have forty-eight hours left of freedom?" Hanna snorted.

"Maybe Spencer's mom can block the court order," Emily suggested.

"Guys, what if it is my blood?" Hanna asked them, sounding genuinely worried.

"How?" Aria asked, "Seriously, how could somebody take your blood and you wouldn't know it?"

"Emily has a whole night that she doesn't remember," Hanna pointed out before she quickened her pace.

"Han, wait," Spencer tried to stop her, "you need to-"

"I can't talk about this anymore," Hanna interrupted her, "I have to go to school."

"Well, that's a first," Isabella muttered before the girls entered The Brew.

"Maybe one of us should call her mom," Emily suggested.

"I don't think her mom an have any more pull with Wilden," Spencer said as they walked over to a table, "This isn't ship lifting."

"Take it from me. You are always better off with a really good lie."

The girls froze and Emily was the first one to acknowledge what all of them were thinking, "Is it just me, or did that sound a lot like-"

"Alison," they finished together, turning around to see a pretty woman her early twenties with golden blonde hair, blue eyes and an oval face staring back at them. In a way, she looked exactly like Alison, at least they radiated the same energy.

"Something wrong?" the woman asked, catching them staring at her.

"Oh, no, we are sorry," Isabella apologised quickly, "It's just - you sound a lot like a friend of ours."

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