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Louis POV

"Louis, get down here for dinner please mate!" Dad called up the stairs.

I groaned and got up from my bed, I'd been lying in the exact same position since I entered my room three hours ago.

As I stood up and stretched a piece of paper fluttered out of my hoodie pocket towards the floor.

I bent down to pick it up and flipped it over to see what it was.

Oh that's right, it was a picture of the target that Niall had given me -

Wait, holy shit he's cute.

That just made the job even harder. I put the picture down on my desk as Dad called me downstairs again.

Papa was serving up dinner onto the plates. I filled a glass of water and put it down on the table, then helped Papa carry the plates over from the kitchen.

"So, how do you feel?" Papa asked as we started eating.

"I dunno. Not great. But I suppose once the job's done I can go off to university and forget this whole business." I said.

"I wish we did that when we were your age. Now we're kinda stuck." Dad said.

"How did you get into this?" I asked.

"Well, we were young and our parents kicked us both out because we were gay, and we needed money. We found Niall in a pub and he offered us a job so we took it because we could barely afford food." Papa explained.

"And then he kind of lured us in and we've been stuck working for him ever since." Dad finished.

I sighed and didn't say anything, I just continued eating.

"We're really sorry for dragging you into this Louis." Papa said.

"I know, it's fine, don't worry about it." I replied, drinking the last of my water.

"Um, can I be excused? I'm going to go have a shower." I asked.

"Sure son." Dad replied.

I picked up my dishes and stacked them into the dishwasher, then went upstairs and into the bathroom.

I ran the shower water nice and hot and climbed in, standing under the strong water pressure until I noticed my skin had gone red from the heat.

I got out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my waist.

The mirror was steamed up so I wiped some of the fog away with my hand and combed through my wet hair before flicking on the bathroom fan and walking back to my room.

I pulled on some clean sweatpants and a hoodie then got straight into bed. It was only seven thirty but all I wanted was to sleep.


I never know what to write here so I might not always write anything :)

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