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"Hey babe, how're you feeling?" Harry asked, getting into my car.

A few days had passed which I'd mainly spent in my room. My face was still bruised but my lip was practically healed. 

"I'm alright love." I replied.

"Good." Harry said and he leaned across the center console to kiss my bruised face.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked, taking a left and heading into the town centre.

"Want to go to the cinema and watch a movie?" Harry suggested.

"Sure." I replied and I so I drove to the cinema and parked outside. We went in and Harry bought the tickets while I got popcorn, drinks and chocolate. We headed into cinema 3 and found our seats.

The movie wasn't playing yet so the screen was blank. I reached for some popcorn and Harry slapped my hand away.

"What?" I asked.

"You have to wait until the movie starts." Harry said.

I laughed and reached for his face, pulling him in to kiss me. His lips moved comfortably against mine and I could feel his tongue trying to get into my mouth. I smirked to myself, keeping him out until he bit my lip slightly, I let out a gasp and he pushed in.

I moved my hands into his hair and pushed my tongue into his mouth but then BONG there was a loud ringing note as the screen suddenly started playing the adverts. We broke apart and laughed slightly. Harry grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, stroking the back of my hand as we turned our attention to the screen.


About an hour into the movie I really needed to pee. I detached my hand from Harry's and whispered to him that I was going to the bathroom before getting up and sneaking out of the cinema, trying to be quiet.

I headed to the bathroom and pushed the door of the mens room open, heading over to do what I needed to do.  As I zipped up my jeans and turned to the sink a cubicle door crashed open loudly. I saw Niall emerging from the bathroom in the mirror in front of me.

I finished washing my hands and grabbed a few paper towels, turning around to face Niall.

"Enjoying your little date?" Niall asked.

I sighed and threw the crumpled ball of used paper towels into the bin.

"Listen kid, you've got ten days left. I know people all right and it's not an open threat okay. I need that boy, and soon and if you don't fucking hand him over I can seriously hurt you and your parents." Niall said.

"Fuck off." I growled under my breath.

"Pardon me?" Niall said.

"I said fuck off." I repeated loudly.

And then WHAM. 

"A little bruise to go with the other one you fucking bitch." Niall said and he left the bathroom.

I let out a deep breath and looked at my reflection in the mirror. The purple bruise around my eye was fading slightly, but the red patch on my jaw was going to bruise horribly as well. My face was covered in evidence of Niall's fists. I splashed water on my face and then dried it off with my shirt, heading back to the cinema and Harry's inevitable questions.

I Wasn't Supposed To Fall In Love With YouWhere stories live. Discover now