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Louis POV

"Don't you have other friends you want to hangout with?" I asked Harry at lunch on Friday.

"Why, don't you like hanging out with me?" Harry replied teasingly.

"Fuck off. I just meant that you've been coming here for years, surely you had friends before my sorry ass showed up." I said.

"Well, yeah I hung out with the football team, but they're rowdy and I prefer being with you." Harry replied.

"Well, if you ever want to spend some time with them instead of me then let me know." I replied.

"Actually, now that you mention it my parents are heading out of town for the weekend. You can stay for the weekend if you want." Harry said.

"Really? That sounds fun, thanks." I replied.

"Well after school if you give me a ride home then we can pick up your stuff on the way." Harry said.

Oh no. Oh very no. Harry can't go to my house, my dads would recognise him.

"Actually I've got to some chores and shit when I get home, if I don't do them my dad's won't let me come. Do you think you could get the bus home and I can come round about five?" I replied.

"Yeah, no problem." Harry replied cheerfully.

"Cool, if you want I can pick you up and take you to school next week. Buses really suck." I offered.

"Thanks Louis, that would be great." Harry said.


So after class I waved goodbye to Harry and drove back home.

"Hey kiddo." Dad said as I walked in.

"Hey." I replied, hanging up my keys.

"Niall's here." Papa's voice added as I looked up.

Niall was sitting on the sofa, with Papa beside him and Dad on a chair opposite them.

"Sit down mate." Niall said.

I nervously dropped my bag to the floor and sunk into the armchair.

"How's it going with Harry?" Niall asked.

"Well, I've seen him but I haven't had a conversation with him yet." I replied.

"What's taking you so long?" Niall asked impatiently.

"You know what high school's like, I'm the new kid and Harry's the popular one. He'd probably get his mates to beat me up if I started hanging around him all of a sudden." I said, feeling pretty confident in my answer.

"Good point, but work on it." Niall replied.

"Oh, I am sir. I am working on it." I said quickly.

"Good lad." Niall said, with a small smile.

"Have you got some homework to do then Louis?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, but my mate on the football team, um Stan, asked me if I wanted to sleep over at his house tonight. Can I go?" I asked, turning to Papa who was the easiest for getting my own way.

"I want your homework done and you have to be back home by five p.m. on Sunday." Papa replied.

"Thanks, thank you." I said happily and I picked up my school bag and ran upstairs.

I hurled my bag into the corner of the room, pulled out my duffel bag from under the bed and filled it with everything I'd need, then I pulled out my school books and hurriedly finished my homework.

At quarter to five I'd finished. I threw my pencil down and slammed my books shut. I flung my duffel bag over my shoulder and hurried down the stairs.

"Woah, hold on Louis. You going to cause a car crash if you don't slow down." Dad said.

"Sorry, I have to go. I'll be back sometime before dinner on Sunday." I said.

"Alright bud, have fun." Papa said and I hugged them both, grabbed my car keys and left the house.

I stopped by the shop on the way to Harry's and bought some chips and drinks and chocolate. Then I pulled up outside his house and he came running out to meet me.

"Hey." Harry said, leading the way into his house.

He showed me around and then we went up to his bedroom. I dropped my bag by the door and spread out on the large bed.

Harry laughed and flopped down next to me.

"Do you want to watch something?" he asked and I nodded so he pulled up Netflix on his laptop and we watched a few episodes of Friends.


Just in case you've forgotten Liam is Dad and Zayn is Papa. :)

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