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Harry POV

I woke up and slowly sat up. My head hurt. I looked around and realised I was in Louis' room. Then I remembered how I got gloriously fucked last night, then moaned Louis' name and got left alone to wank myself off.

I looked down and realised that me and the sheets were covered in cum.

I sighed and got up, stripping the sheets off the bed and bundling them up in my arms, throwing them into the washing machine.

I got in the shower and rinsed off, before pulling on some sweatpants, a shirt and a beanie. I headed downstairs to see the aftermath of the party.

Someone was sleeping on the kitchen counter. I woke them up when I went in to make a cup of tea.

"Mate, get going." I said. 

He groaned and stumbled out of the door still half asleep.

I flicked on the kettle and while I waited for it to boil I swept all of the empty beer cans and plastic cups into the rubbish bin. Then I made two cups of tea and went upstairs to go and find Louis.

He was in the first room I checked, the guest room next to his bedroom. I felt guilty for taking his room and fucking in there.

Louis was sitting up in bed. 

"Hey." I said, opening the door with my foot.

"Hey." he replied.

I walked over to the bed and handed him one of the mugs of tea, setting the other one down on the bedside cabinet. I sat down in bed next to him.

"I'm sorry about last night, it was a dicky move. And also a terrible way for you to find out that I'm gay." I apologised.

Louis sighed and took a sip of his tea.

"It's alright Haz. I'm gay too, by the way." Louis replied.

"Oh. Right. Well last night turned into a disaster anyway." I said.

"Why? What happened with that guy?" Louis asked.

"His name's Lucas, famous for fucking anyone who'll have him in their bed. Anyway, he was fucking me and then he came and he hurried out the door, leaving me hard and lonely. I guess he couldn't be bothered sucking me off or anything until I came." I said, I couldn't tell Louis the truth.

"Well, that Lucas guy is a dickhead then." Louis replied.

After a few minutes Louis broke the silence.

"C'mon let's get food." he said.


We went to McDonalds and bought breakfast and by the time we got home, full up on Bacon and Egg McMuffins, all the people from last night had finally left.

Louis went round the house and got all of the sheets that had been ruined and put them in the washing machine while I went around the house cleaning up sticky tables and wiping down the pool table.

Me and Louis put the pool table back in the garage and took the speaker back upstairs, tipping all the beer cans and vodka bottles in the recycling.

I vacuumed while Louis cleared up all the cigarette butts from the garden and pulled the cover back over the pool.

By half past two the house looked pretty good. We sat down on the sofa and put on a movie, grabbing popcorn from the kitchen.


That night when we were on the blow up mattress in the living room Louis broke the silence just as I was falling asleep.

"I wouldn't leave you without making sure you were content. And he's a dick for getting himself off on you and then leaving." he said.

I turned around onto my side to face him.

"You're worth more than that." he added.

"Can I tell you the truth?" I asked.

"Sure." he replied.

"The reason Lucas left so suddenly was because I moaned your name while he was giving me a hand job." I said.

I expected Louis to laugh but suddenly he was closer and he was leaning in towards me and then he looked at me questioningly. I nodded and he smiled, pushing his lips against mine. 

This kiss was way better than anything I'd done with Lucas or anyone else, it was like the kiss at the gym but I could process it properly this time. Louis' lips melted into my own, he moaned into the kiss and our tongues met. Then he pulled away a little and looked at me. I kissed him softly and quickly and then moved closer into his side. 

"Night Hazza." Louis whispered.

"Night Louis." I replied.

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