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Louis POV

I got up from the ground, I could practically feel my face bruising. My sight was still messed up but I'm guessing it's cause I'm still drunk. Right now I just wanted to go home.

So I staggered out of the alleyway and spotted a taxi, getting into the backseat.

"Bloody hell mate, you alright?" the cabbie asked.

"I'll be alright." I replied and told him my address.

Within fifteen minutes he'd dropped me outside my house. A light flickered on upstairs as I unlocked the front door.

When I came inside Dad and Papa were coming down the stairs.

"Holy shit Louis, what happened?" Dad asked.

"Are you drunk son?" Papa asked.

"Urgh, yeah." I replied.

"Well, how come your face is all messed up?" Dad asked.

"I um, I just, I just got beat up that's all." I replied.

"Do you know who it was?" Papa asked.

"No." I said.

If I told them about Niall and what he did and said how would they react? Would that put us in more danger?

"Alright Louis, go to bed." Dad said.

I smiled gratefully and went upstairs to my room, taking off my dirt covered jeans and blood splattered shirt. I crossed the hall into the bathroom and checked my reflection in the mirror. My face was covered in dried blood from my cut lip and I could feel the cut inside my mouth where my cheek had hit my tooth.

I rinsed off my face and leaned closer to the mirror to see the growing bruise on the right side of my face, slightly above my cheek and the dark bruise growing around my left eye.

I went back to my room just as Dad and Papa came upstairs. Papa handed me a glass of water and some Paracetamol. I took the tablet and lay down. Papa brushed some of my hair out of my face and Dad said goodnight, closing the door behind them and flicking off the light. 


The next day I barely left my bed, the bruises on my face were a dark purple and my head hurt from the alcohol the night before.

The day after that Papa drove to me to where I'd left my car so we could pick it up. I told Papa that I had a holiday football training and went to Harry's house, picking him up and taking him down to the river.

"Are you sure you're alright Lou?" Harry asked, looking anxiously at my face.

We were sitting on a bench near the river, Harry was holding both of my hands in his and I'd just told him that I'd been attacked by some guy who was asking for money.

"I'll be fine love." I replied.

"And you have no idea who it was?" Harry asked.

"I told you it was a stranger." I said.

"Alright, I'm just worried about you." Harry replied.

"You don't need to be worried." I said.

"Yes I do, I love you." he replied.

I sighed.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, it's just that - don't worry about it, I love you too." I replied.

"Seriously Lou, what is going on? You seem really stressed." Harry said.

"I can't say." I replied.

"Is it something to do with me? Are you breaking up with me?" Harry asked.

"No, oh God no." I assured him.

"It's just that it's hard, everything's hard." I said.

"It'll be alright babe, you've got me." Harry said and he leaned forward to kiss me.

How was I ever going to manage this?

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