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Me and Harry didn't go back to school. Harry's parents quit their jobs. We were moving to New Zealand, on the other side of the world tomorrow. Harry's sister was staying here, she had to finish university.

Me, Dad and Papa had packed up most of the house and our things were sent on a ship to New Zealand, leaving us only with several suitcases of essentials.

I had called Niall and told him I could get Harry to the drop off point at ten a.m. the next day. Our flight leaves Manchester Airport at 8 a.m. 

But now Harry and his parents were coming the stay the night at our house, so we could leave for the airport together in the morning. Our three cars were already on board the ship going to New Zealand, so we were getting a taxi to the airport.

"Dad, Harry just texted me, they're leaving their house now." I called down the stairs.

"Thanks son." Dad called back.

I went into my bedroom, it was practically empty. My suitcase of clothes, a few books and other random things was standing ready in the corner. My rucksack was open, it had a bag of my toiletries, my laptop, a book for the plane, a spare change of clothes, my earphones and a few condoms just in case.

I was sleeping on our old air mattress and a pillow that we would be leaving behind. My sleeping bag was ready to be packed into my suitcase when I woke up the next morning.

I looked around my bedroom, I'd lived here all my life and tomorrow I was going to be leaving it forever.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs. Papa opened the door and invited the Styles' inside. My parents fussed about making them tea and going over the plan for going to the airport the next morning but I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him upstairs.

"Are you alright Lou?" Harry asked, playing with my fingers as we sat on my deflating air mattress. 

"Yeah, I'm just so sorry about all of this." I replied.

"Don't be, it isn't your fault. Besides, moving to New Zealand will be an adventure, we can be the sexy new kids at school and everyone will think we're really cool. And it's hot there, we can spend every summer day on the beach, kissing under the stars." Harry said.

"Thanks love." I said and he smiled, nibbling slightly on my ear and then kissing my cheek.


"Boys, you have to get up." Papa said, shaking mine and Harry's shoulders.

It was four thirty a.m. and we were off to the airport. Harry groaned and rolled off the air mattress, which was practically the floor by now. Papa chuckled and left my room.

I got up as well and found my jeans, a shirt and a hoodie, pulling them on over my boxers. Harry got dressed as well and helped me fold up my sleeping bag and stuff it into my suitcase.

"Morning by the way." I said and I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and pressed my lips to his.

We carried our things downstairs where Dad was checking to see if the taxis was nearly there. I noted that I wouldn't ever like to be a taxi driver if they had to drive people around at this hour.

The two cars showed up at quarter to five and we loaded our suitcases into the backs. Me, Harry and Papa got in one car and Harry's mum, stepdad and Dad in the other.


We got to the airport at quarter past five and had checked in our big luggage by quarter to six. Then we went through security and made it to the airport shops, restaurants and cafes. We got breakfast from McDonalds and sat around in our chairs waiting for half an hour when we could go to our gate.

At half past seven we found our gate and got inside, waiting until eight o'clock when we could start boarding. Harry fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Louis, you have to take your Sim card out of your phone. Niall can track you with it. When we get to New Zealand we can buy another one." Dad said and I opened the back of my phone, pulled out my Sim card and threw it in the rubbish.

Then it was time to board. I woke up Harry and we grabbed our rucksacks, making sure we had our passports and boarding tickets and joining the queue to get onto the plane. 

I held tight to Harry's hand as we made it past the lady checking our tickets and got to the actual plane. We had three two seat rows between us. Me and Harry took the front row, my dads the middle and Harry's mum and stepdad the back. I let Harry have the window seat.

We settled down and buckled out seatbelts, still holding hands as the plane started to move, the safety video playing. The pilot spoke about some stuff, like how we were going to land in Germany in however many hours and what the weather was like as we lined up to the runway.

Then we were gaining speed and with a funny jolt in my tummy we were rising into the air, the ground falling away below us. 

"He's gone Haz. We're safe." I said.

Harry grinned and gave me a quick kiss.


We landed in Germany and a few hours later we got on the next plane to Japan, and from there we went to New Zealand, landing in Auckland.

We got our suitcases, found two taxis and went to our hotel.

We were right next to the beach so after we had a nap Harry and I walked down to the beach and watched the New Zealand people, Kiwis, enjoying their evening at the beach. We laid down in the sand as it got dark and everyone had left. The starts twinkled above us and I leaned over to kiss Harry.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Harry replied.

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