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Louis POV

It was Friday morning. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, where Dad and Papa were in the kitchen. I was super excited for the first football game tonight.

"Hey son, can we talk to you?" Dad asked.

"Sure thing Dad." I replied and I finished pouring my cereal and sat down, looking up expectantly at Dad and Papa.

"We're going away for a few days, we'll be back on Tuesday night. Do you think you'll be alright here for the weekend and Monday?" Papa said.

That was unexpected, I thought I was going to be grounded for staying out too late at Harry's last night. It was our first Thursday since we got gym membership but we couldn't be bothered to go and spent the night with Stan and Ed from the football team at Harry's place.

"Course. Can I invite a friend or two around?" I asked.

"Sure, but keep the max at four friends alright? We don't want noise complaints about you throwing parties." Dad replied. 

"Alright, I'll cap the friends at four. Thanks guys." I said.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Papa asked.

"Yes Papa, I'll be fine. I'd better get to school though." I replied and I put my bowl in the sink, picked up my bag and grabbed my car keys.

"We'll be gone when you get home, have a good weekend son." Dad said, hugging me.

"Yeah, enjoy yourself lad." Papa added, hugging me too.

"See you on Tuesday then." I replied and I hurried into the car, I'd be slightly late for picking Harry up.

I drove straight to Harry's house, quickly texted him to say that I was outside and he came running out half a minute later, throwing on his school bag. 

"Hey Haz." I said as he plopped down into the passenger seat.

"Hey, how's it going?" Harry replied cheerfully, buckling up his seatbelt.

"Pretty good considering my parents have left town for four fucking days. You're staying at my house until Tuesday alright?" I said excitedly.

"Wicked. We can spend all day by the pool." Harry replied.

We spent the rest of the drive to school excitedly discussing what we'd do that weekend and Harry texted his parents, asking if it was cool if he spent the weekend and Monday at my house. Harry's parents were extremely chilled out, they said that as long as his homework was done he could do whatever he wanted.

School passed so slowly I thought the clocks had stopped but finally the final bell rang and me and Harry practically ran to the changing rooms to get ready for football.

All the lads were in the changing rooms, flinging socks at each other and being dickheads like usual, but Harry and I just joined in, teasing Luke about a new girl he'd hooked up with the night before.

Half an hour later we were on the field, getting ready for our match.

As I was kicking the football around with Ed and Stan I looked over to see Harry doing pull-ups on the goal. The veins popped out of his arms as he pulled himself up, sweating and panting. I didn't realise how long I'd been looking until the football came smashing into my head.

"Stop drooling Payne and get your head in the game." Stan said.

I flipped him off and collected the football from beside me, passing it on to Ed.

Before too long the game started and I was hovering around the halfway line, a defender almost holding my hand he was that close, watching Harry in the goal. He swept his hair out of his face and steadied his hands as the ball came closer to him but then Luke was passing it on to James to kicked it into the open space in front of me and I was sprinting for it.

We won the game 3-1 and as we were all celebrating in the changing room I had a sudden idea.

"Victory party at my place!" I yelled. All the lads cheered and I quickly pulled out my phone, posting my address onto my Instagram story with 'Party at my place, parents out of town!'.

I also texted the address to the football team group chat then grabbed Harry by the sleeve and dragged him out to the car.

"Why are we in such a rush?" Harry asked as I started the engine.

'We've got to set up the house, get out the massive speaker and get some alcohol ready." I explained.

We got home and I unlocked the front door, hurrying inside.

Harry found stacks of plastic cups and alcohol from the cupboard, while I locked all of Dad and Papa's valuable stuff into the cupboard under the stairs. Me and Harry dragged the ping pong table out from the garage and pulled back the cover on the pool.

Together we brought Dad's huge speaker downstairs and set it in the corner, plugging in my phone with some music. I found a spare box of beer next to the fridge and put the beers out on the table, just as a bunch of people came into the house, many of them carrying more drinks.

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